I'm desperate, (acne) long post

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Dec 6, 2006
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I'm 20, and still have acne. I started getting acne at 11 years old, really bad acne. after almost 10 years I still have it bad. Instead of it being everywhere on my face it's really only on my cheeks and jawline. my acne is really big cyst under the skin that are really painful and I have HORRIBLE blackheads everywhere. Lately I've also been getting tiny pus filled pimles all over which I haven't seen for years. I've tried everything over the counter, and nothing helps. I can't afford to see a derm. I have no insurance.

I have horribly oily skin. One of my regular doctors told me that my skin was very sensitive too (I'm very fair and my cheeks are constantly red). I have tried proactive, and it just made my skin really flaky,oily,and I had zits (bad combination). I've tried neutrogena, too expensive and I saw no results. I've tried noxema,clean&clear, clearisil, ext. I've used cetaphil before, but my face was still very oily after washing and it didn't feel clean at all.

I change my pillow cases evey night. I don't use any hair product or conditioner in my hair. I've been a vegitarian for 5 years, and that did not help my acne.I'm not on any medication.I was told certain medicine can make acne worse. I don't use moisturizer because even if it says non comedogenic I break out. I wash my mu brushes every week. I stopped wearing makeup for 5 months (and I'm a mu addict) to see if my acne would clear, and it didn't.

this is what I'm using right now

Cleanser: dove soap for sensitive skin (as directed by my regular doctor)2-3 times a day, morning, after excersize, and night

Toner: none moisturizer: none

Mask: queen hellen mint mask (wed and

Exfoliation: baking soda and water or sugar and w/ a little milk (seems to help)

Treatment: Bp 2.5% all over and a spot treatment of mario badescu (pink stuff)

I'm really desperate for something to help me. If you know of anything that could help me, please let me know.

I forgot to say that I exfoliate and do a make 2 times a week each, but not on the same day. I also don't smoke or drink liquor, I never have. I also only drink water or green tea. just wanted to add in case someone was wondering. I also don't touch my face unless I'm cleaning it.

thanks for any help

I'm sorry nothing has been working for you, I have been going through the same thing with acne coming up a few years back and am now the same age but the persistent acne that came up I tried everything, what has been working is Dan's Regimen involving Benzol Peroxide, many people on here rave for it and on acne.org, the site for it. Since you have sensitive skin though I would suggest checking if you are allergic to BP before you try using it and otherwise checking in with a derm is the best solution :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

With all the money you spend on trying new products, you could probably see a dermatologist. Maybe set aside some money because they know what's best for your skin and if it distresses you that much, it will be worth it.

You should go see a dermatologist. They can really help you.

I didnt see the part about you not being able to afford it, I miss read sometimes. Sorry.

But anyways, try to save up some money to see a derm. I'm really sure if you went to a derm, you could get something to help your acne. Accutane is a possible solution for you (Im going go to get on it!) But Save up some cash.

have you tried the aveeno line at all? maybe bp is too strong and causing your skin to overcompensate. maybe salicylic acid would work better. also, you may need some protein in your diet. how are you replacing the meat in your diet? are you taking any supplements?

i do know how you feel. my cystic acne didn't last as long as yours, but it was painful. sounds like you may need to bite the bullet, save some cash, and see a derm. if it doesn't work out, just don't go back, but sounds like a thorough consultation is certainly necessary! keep us posted! i really want you to feel better about your skin! good luck!

Darling, I know what you are going through. I have had acne since I was 11 or 12. I have tried most of your products. The things that I am using right now is the Oil Cleansing Method. I use 75%castor oil to 25% extra virgin olive oil, and have oily skin. If you have oily skin, i recommend my ratio, if you have dry skin, put more EVOO(extra virgin olive oil). I then follow up with a natural toner (I use witch hazel). Then i spot treat with tea tree oil. I also use cetaphil mositurizer for sensitive skin.

As a side note, i also add tea tree oil into my oil cleanser. A guideline is 1drop for every 10mLs.

If you cant afford to see a derm, deffinatly try the above mentioned. Honestly, what do you have to lose, besides your acne.

And I would like to add, you should deffinatly try to find a moisturizer that works for you, especially on your dry areas. And a toner would help to, because what is happening is you are opening your pores when you wash them, and if you dont use a toner, they stay open for a while and dirt just absorbs into them.

Good luck, and hang in there! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Sorry to hear you are having trouble. Im 19 and still have it a bit, mainly just red marks and a few spots nothing serious. I agree with Jess you should go see a derm they will help. Accutane might be a thought... It really helps, but just the side effects can be brutal.

I am so sorry you are going through this!! I agree with what the others have recommended so far though - going to see a dermatologist really may be your best bet. If you start saving a little here and there I'm sure you'll have enough in no time:) Best of luck!!


About the dermatologist, I'm agree with the rest of the posters. I know they can be expensive, but hopefully you can work something out.

Please keep us posted and good luck.

Thanks for all of the responses. you guys are really helping. I had a couple of friends that were on accutane and it really helped them, but with the medicine and the doctors visits and the blood tests, it cost like $2,000 for the whole course of treatment if not more. I am in college, and money is extreamly tight. I dream of seeing a derm(I always have), but it's seems imposible to save that much right now. I'll deffinantly try to save some money, in the mean time, I think I'll try tea tree oil and see how that works. and I'll try dan's regimen again, and see what happens.

I have heard that too many toners have alcohol which is supposed to be bad for your skin. is it? I found a toner called natures cure. it has salycilic acid and papaya enzymes in it. would that be good? it does have some alcohol in it.

Also about the protien question, I talked to my doctor a while back and I make sure I eat enough soy, pasta, and nuts/seeds and yogurt to get enough protein. I also use supplement with iorn and a regular multivitamin. I also take zinc and omega 3's (flax seed oil) because I heard that they can help with controling oil and acne, it seems to help a bit wit hthe small bumps, but not with the cysts.

Vitamin E is also great, especially if you get scars. It repairs your skin faster from any breakouts.

I agree with Tyler that Accutane might be in order.

If you have cystic acne, it doesn't matter what you you put on your face.

You have to stop the acne from forming.

Accutane will prevent acne from forming and will stop the oil glands from pumping out oil.

Once you stop the cystic acne, then topical lotions will help.

I have been on Accutane twice. The first time I was working and did not have drug coverage. I had to pay for the Accutane out of pocket.

It was $300/monthly for 4-5 months.

I contacted the drug company and asked if they could subsidized my treatment.

To my good fortune, they paid for the cost of the treatment. The province's health program paid for my blood tests.

The second time I went on Accutane, it was paid for by the province.

I have had acne since I was 10 and I am 42 now. The first time I went on Accutane I was 34. It didn't matter what I put on my face, nothing stopped the cystic acne until I went on Accutane.

Have you asked your family doctor if they can dispence the Accutane or do you have to go to your dermatologist?

aww im sorry you have to go throught that, but i know how you feel! I used to have fairly bad acne but i went and saw a derm and it's almost all cleared up now.

the one product that my derm said that was best for skin that you can buy over the counter is called AcneFree. You can find it at Walmart and CVS and other stores like that. I have a friend that used it and it worked wonders!

the best thing to do is to see a derm, but since you can't do that right now, i would just experiement w/some of the suggestions on the page and see what works!

Best of luck! :]

I had problems with acne too...I tried many different methods to solve it. Only my derm's prescriptions helped....try to save up a bit and see the derm...

I'm sorry you're going through this :hug:Have you tried oral and topical antibiotics? or Retin-A? Products with sulfur? Murad's acne complex regimen? All these products have really helped me.

I'd suggest go to Dermatologist as well as others have mentioned.

Good luck and keep us posted! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm sorry to hear this! I definitely agree with the others on seeing a dermatologist!

You said that you use a spot treatment by Mario Badescu...have you tried any of their other products? I have acne, and I have tried so many things. Even medication from the doctor didn't help! I have learned that putting a BP or SA all over to prevent acne didn't help me, but only made my acne worse. It aggravated my skin. Try taking a gentle approach. I love Mario's products..they use lots of natural ingredients and they just seem to work for me. You can fill out a questioniarre on the website and they can customize a regime for you. They will send you samples too. Their stuff is pricey, but it's worth it in my opinion, if your acne makes you feel that bad, (which for me it does!) Good luck, and I really hope that you find something that works.

have u ever heard of Patricia Wexler, shes a dermatologists and her line is sold at Bath and Body Works, i Love her acnostat line and her products are pretty affordable.. im 21 and have dealt with acne for a long time as well, and i have seen dermatologists who gave me products that still don't work.. the main thing is to just stick to a regimen and to always use a moisturizer even if u have oily skin, well i hope i helped! Good Luck!

I have a lot of info about acne in my notepad, but it looks like you already know most of it ... maybe just skim it and see if something stands out!

This actually makes sense, if the small bumps are clogged pores. I have very oily skin and am prone to small bumps (that even come in patches of 10 or 20 bumps if I use no medicines!) which my doctor said were clogged pores caused by my oily skin and not "true" acne -- true acne requires the presence of certain bacteria. I might have to look into flax seed oil for myself ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't know much about cystic acne, but the only person I've known who had it had to go on accutane to get rid of it :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Also, just as a warning, one visit to the derm may not be enough, and s/he may prescribe prescriptions that you will also have to find the money for. Even though I just had the clogged pores and no cystic acne or anything too serious, I still had to go back to the derm every 6 months for check-ups, and he often switched my medications (just topical medications, no pills) at those visits until we found a combination that worked for me. However, it still might be beneficial to go once -- he may be able to give you some advice that is specific to your kind(s) of acne, and perhaps recommend some OTC or natural treatments that might help if you explain to him your financial situation!

PS: If it makes you feel any better, 20 isn't that old to still be dealing with acne! I knew plenty of fellow college students around age 20 who still had acne, and I still have clogged pores at age 25! (Though fortunately, the last two years or so they've gotten a little better, and I'm able to just use OTC treatments and not the prescriptions I used to use!)


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