hey ladies,
so.. first of all... i have been blond for about 5 years now (can't believe it's been that long). i used to have very long and healthy - first red, and later - black hair. one day i "snapped" and gave myself a few too many bleaches in order to become platinum. my hair has since been coarse, dry, gross and well, short.
i WANT to go light, but it's
a) too much upkeep
B) would ruin my just recovered hair again
c) see above
my current hair color is just BLEH. it looks alright in the picture but it's soooooooo boring in person and just screams wallflower.
i used taaz to color my current hair and i ask you... which one would you say looks best?
i'm not as pale as in the picture (sorry folks, HD powder.. we all know it.. hahaha), but pretty close, and i (think i) have a neutral skin tone.
help a friend out, would you?!

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
right now - this looks about 1-1.5 shades lighter than what my hair actually is.. if it was this actual color i'd be happy, lol!
reddish brown
golden brown (though this looks more like "dark honey" (or something like that) blonde to me)
ash brown
and, again, for reference:
copper - this is what i had 15 to 16.5 or so
black - came after copper, except it was a crazy black that looks like a helmet. people sometimes thought i'm a goth wannabe, but i just really liked bettie page. lasted only for 1/2 a year though.
then came... BLEACH BLOND. and it ruined my hair. and even "photoshopped" it looks like the hair is gross and dry.. hahaha.
if you're wondering about my actual, natural hair color... it is.. well... a gray-ish ash blonde? i'm not kidding, it's actually such a dirty blonde it looks GRAY. welp. or maybe i worry too much and am graying already? who knows! i had a phase were i would dye my hair silver/gray on purpose - that was at the peak of it's coarseness when i had to bleach and and THEN dye over it with gray. it's a miracle i wans't completely bald.
HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE.... i can't decide!