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Sep 22, 2007
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I went to a stylist yesterday to get my hair dyed & cut. My stylist is out on maternity leave so she said for her clients to go to this girl. She thinned out my hair & when she did she took big chunks of hair out. Now I have one side of my hair that looks chopped up and the other side is almost all one length. She dyed my hair brown underneath with Red & blonde on top. The Red is too Red for me...I called and asked her if it would cost me anything to change the color and she didn't act happy but said that she would do it Tues. She kept asking your not happy with the red at all or you want me to tone it down? I told her that I just didn't want it at all. My question is what can I do with my hair until it grows out? I can't get the cut fixed because it's too chopped up to do anything. Do I have to pay her anything even though she is doing it for free? What do I say to her Tues. when I see her? I've never done this before and I'm confused. I tried just washing my hair a few times in Clarifying shampoo to try to take some of the red out, but I'm just not happy. What advice can you all offer? I'm desperate!!!

You shouldn't have to pay anything if you're unhappy with what she's done to your hair. Just tell her you want the red taking out (if that's what you want) and explain that you're not happy with the cut because it's too choppy and maybe she can blend it in with the rest of your hair but tbh if she's butchered your hair once I'd go to another hairdresser for the cut.

Yeah I plan to go to my regular stylist when she comes back and hopefully she can fix it for me. It will be in about 6-8wks. so maybe by then it will be grew out a little. I played around with my hair a little and if I flat iron it with the ends curled under you can't really tell it is so chopped up so at least I can wear it like that. The red isn't as bright now since I washed it with the clarifying a couple times. My cousin and dh really likes it. I wish I had a camera so I could post a pic of it.

Katie makes absolute sense. I agree, have her take the color out, but get a new cut from a different hairdresser. Possibly ask somebody whose hair that u know looks good who they go to?

I go in the morning to get my hair color changed I really hope the stylist ins't rude. When I was in there getting my hair done she was talking about another client who was getting her hair done by the manager. She was talking to another stylist and said be glad you didn't have to do her hair because she is never happy, you can't please her, and she is a B*tch! I just hope she doesn't think that about me when I have her redo it. I know to never go back to her again. I plan to wait for a few months before getting a cut and just letting my hair grow. I can't believe how chopped up she made it by thinning it out. I think I could have done better. Also when she did my hilights I have none in the back of my hair just the top of it. Sorry to keep rambling. I've just never went back to a stylist to get my hair fixed before. Not sure what to expect. Are they normally friendly when you go back or are they rude & hateful? I know the manager of the salon very well and my stylist who works there is my aunt's niece through her dh....I hate that she is on maternity leave because I wouldn't have to go through this if she was there. :-(

aww, I'd feel the same as you!

They should not be rude to you! If they were, I would complain to the manager of the salon. If you know them really well, they know you're a repeat visitor. I'd just tell them straight out that you came back to have it fixed since it was uneven and the colour wasn't what you expected. Say it with a smile, and say that you felt a bit uncomfortable with how the staff member treated you.

Best of luck! let us know how it goes! I'm feeling nervous for you now! lol

I agree with Rosie, I would definitely complain to the manager especially if the stylist is rude or hateful to you. There is no excuse for that. I hope everything turns out ok....
from a stylist perspective, when you do something that they request, such as put red highlights in, and then they call back and say "I want it fixed, but no red, take it out completely." it's almost like you're doing a different color service. You aren't correcting the original color, but giving something different, which isn't a true redo. Which can be frustrating.

That being said, your hair shouldn't be choppy, you shouldn't know she's unhappy to do it, because she should have kept that tone out of her voice. You shouldn't have heard her call someone else a *****, because that language shouldn't be on the floor. Especially not with a customer she's never done before. Also, she should at least have put a few foils in your crown to balance the top out with the back. I think you're completely justified in asking for a redo.

Originally Posted by nibjet /img/forum/go_quote.gif from a stylist perspective, when you do something that they request, such as put red highlights in, and then they call back and say "I want it fixed, but no red, take it out completely." it's almost like you're doing a different color service. You aren't correcting the original color, but giving something different, which isn't a true redo. Which can be frustrating.
That being said, your hair shouldn't be choppy, you shouldn't know she's unhappy to do it, because she should have kept that tone out of her voice. You shouldn't have heard her call someone else a *****, because that language shouldn't be on the floor. Especially not with a customer she's never done before. Also, she should at least have put a few foils in your crown to balance the top out with the back. I think you're completely justified in asking for a redo.

So would you think I should have to pay to get it redone? I'm unsure since I've never had this done before. See I would have been ok with the red had she have put in brown red, but she put in a 7NG or something like that called Shiffon I think mixed with another color. I would be fine with it if she would just add in some brown so that my whole top isn't Red except the blonde streaks on one side of my head. I don't even have blonde on the other side of my head just the Left side. I can't wait until my stylist comes back! Thanks everyone for the replies! I will let you all know how it goes. I hope it all goes well. Do you think she would be happier if I ask to keep some red, but fill in the rest with brown & add some blonde on both sides of my head?

I think you could tip her if you are happy with the redo, but no, you shouldn't have to pay if it wasn't the shade you wanted and the cut was messed up. Honestly I'd have second thoughts about letting the same stylist mess with it, you may want to ask to speak to her boss and see if you can get with a stylist that knows what she's doing. If you don't want to run into the one that messed it up, ask to come in when she isn't there so it isn't as awkward. The cash should be moved from one stylist to the other so the tip is the only thing you have to worry about in that case. She sounds very unprofessional, I bet it won't be the first complaint about her.

I had thought about talking to the manager, but felt a little weird about it. My stylist works there too so I wasn't sure how it would feel seeing her everytime. The same stylist did my cousins & sisters hair and they weren't happy either. I am hoping that I can take in a picture of what my stylist did and ask her to do it like that. I got my kids off the bus yesterday and when the bus driver saw my hair she said OMG what did you do to your hair? It used to look good. I felt so small and embarrased. I am hoping to just get it all colored brown with blonde hilights and maybe a couple panels of toned down red (I think that is what I tell her, my stylist last time said she would put in a couple panels of brown red) I was happy with that.

i would talk to the manager.

if she is talking about clients that means she is causing his bussiness to lose customers. and if she is not doing hair how people like again she is losing him money and he has not only every right to know that she is doing this. but you are most likely going to have to clear it with him if you are going to get the service for free.

i would not feel guilty about complaining. the stylist knows she shouldnt be doing these things. that is something that you learn on the first day of cosmotology school, never bad mouth a cllient.

Well I went in for my Redo. She said that she put a 7NG & 7R on me the first time. This time she put a 6NG &6W...it was supposed to be brown. Well after it was done it is still Red!! She said that once you dye it red you can't really get rid of the completely. So I accepted that since it is something I'm more able to live with. My Stylist would have used a darker Brown & then went over it with blonde hilights because she had to fix a home color disaster for me before. The stylist today said that I looked Punk Rock before & even said at least you don't look like a fire engine anymore, now you just look like a autum head. I'm just glad it is something I can live with now, but I still say she could have got rid of the Red....I'm no pro but my cousin does it at home on her head all the time. I am still upset that she chopped my hair up so bad. I had thought about just getting it all cut off & starting all over growing it out but I decided against it. Do you all think she could have got rid of the red? She never asked for money & just said have a nice day...I thanked her and left.

she could of neutralized the red, she used a warm based color (the 6R) so no wonder it was still red. i would still complain

She said as the red starts to fade that the brown would pick up. I haven't ever heard of this before, do you know if that is true? I'm afraid when this brownish red fades that it will fade back to the Red I had before. Can that happen?

it will fade but not to a nice color

and it will most likely be more orangey/red than it is (unless it is like a super bright red)

a few years back i had my hair dyed a dark brown with red undertones.


and about a month later it fadded to this


the red pigments are the ones that hold on the longest, so even though red does fade the fastest of all colors it leaves an unflatering orange tinge

I think it will fade to a red as well.

Without seeing your hair it's hard to say what she could have done with the red, depending on the shade, it may not have been possible to take it out enough to cover it up without being damaging to your hair. I'm not sure what color line she's using, but if she was trying to cover up a red, a warm and a gold are not going to neutralize it into a brown, she maybe should have gone with a violet or ash, or even straight neutral. At least you can live with it now!

The bottles said Redken Color Gel(s) She mixed equal parts. She had a little measuring cup she mived it with. I hope it doesn't fade into a orange, but if it does hopefully it will be easier to cover. My Red was so Bad before...I still have a few streaks of that color in the front. See she did my bangs last and that is where most of the red still is. When the other stylist checked it for her while I was under the dryer she didn't check the front because she said it probably got the most heat. I think if I would have stayed there for a little longer it would have covered it better. Of course as I said I'm no pro so it may have just made it worse. I'm glad I no longer have stripes going through my hair of that Red & blonde a lot of people called me a skunk. My dh called me Cruella De'Ville
Now I need for it to grow back out!!

Orangecrayon: I wanted my hair the color of the girls in the first pic with you. I love that color!! Did you find it hard to dye over your hair once it faded?

Thanks everyone for all of your help and replies!!!

I'm going to try to add this website pic. of the Red color I had before...it's not exact but close to it.


do you mean the girl with the highlights or the girl with the dark brown hair?

if it is the dark brown with the neutral tint you are going for you best bet is to wait till it fades and than go to a diffrent stylist who knows what they are doing and they will than be able to tone down the red and give you more of the color you want. (i am saying wait till it fade cuase color correction costs a ton)

if you mean you like the blonde color which i cant imagine if you had your hair dyed dark, i had my hair go back to blonde after that cause the roots were bad and it made me look like i was balding (dark hair with light roots can do that to you)

if that is what you want you just have to get your hair super heavily highlighted after it fades (you will lose more length this way but not the half a foot i did, that was more of a personal style decision than a hair damage decision you will prob lose more like an inch or so)


Yeah the girl with the hilights. See my stylist normally gives me lots of blonde hilights and adds in a couple panels of What she called Brown Red. That is what I told this stylist I wanted and instead of getting brown red I got Red Almost like a purple red or something. The blonde hilights didn't turn out good either. I'm just so glad that hair grows out and by the time My stylist comes back she will be able to fix it. My cousin has asked me to go to the stylist with her tomorrow that messed my hair up. My cousin likes her pretty good, I think maybe she didn't care so much about what she did to my hair since I wasn't her client.
