I need a change...

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Aug 7, 2005
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I'm going to get my hair cut on Tuesday, and I want a change. Nothing too short though, I still want my hair long enough to go back into a pony tail. I'm hopefully doing my color more blonde either tomorrow or Monday. So, any suggestions or pictures would be soooo appreciated!

Here's a picture of me for reference:


I know your talking about a cut but I think you would look awesome as a brunette. Sorry probably not much help as your talking about going blonder but I just think brown would look hot on you

I like your hair the way it is, but that's me... Maybe cut it a bit shorter along the layers you have already, or possibly adding more subtle layers to it... Also, I agree with iiweazle about brunette... Maybe at least a light color with the blonde highlights...

Glad to know someone agrees with me. I love your bangs. Come on go darker just for me and Aquilah!!!!

i think darker would look hot too, but i dont think i would cut any more off since your trying to grow it out, i dunno if you should go lighter it's light enough, it might wash you out.. just my opinion, i think your beautiful either way

I love your cut! But I do agree with the others about going darker.

Your skin has a pinky cast so I think a more neutral colour might be better than golden tones.

Thanks for all the replies! I might try the brown. Brown fades so quick on me though. What color of brown do you guys think would look good?

Here's the haircut I'm thinking about getting. What do y'all think?

Aww! Thanks! I just want something easier to handle. I'm going back to school on the 16th for my 4th college semester and I'm loaded down with 19 hours. So I want something easy, but something that I can throw up into a ponytail too. If that makes any sense! lol

You have really cute features, so whatever you get would look good on you. I say keep the fringe though as it frames your ice quite nicely. And like everyone else, maybe going brunette would be fun. Myabe not a reddy brown as it might not go well with your pinkish skin (i have the exact same skin),

Light neutral brown with med neutral blond highlights.

The new hairstyle is nice but the hairstyle you have now is better.

What about keeping the bangs, cutting off 3 inches and adding long layers.

This gives you the versatility of straight hair, or allowing you to make it wavy/curly plus you will still be able to put it into a ponytail.

Changing our hairstyles can be such a dilema!

Good luck with school

Oh yes. Golden brown/brunette would look stunning on you Annabelle. You have a beautiful face and the darker hair would really frame that gorgeous asset of yours.

i agree^^ with the color, i think that cut in the pic would be perfect since it it low maintenance, too many layers that are short is a hassel to style, oh and if you go darker if your worried about it fadeing to fast you could ask for a filler to help with that.. good luck and post pics

Okay, you guys have convinced me to try brown! lol I'm going to do the color myself, because I hate the way she does my color. She lets it process wayyy to long, and since I have had some cosmetology, I can actually do the color the way I want it.

So, does anyone have any brown suggestions? lol Maybe some pictures or a celebrity with really pretty brown hair, because I will probably print the pic out, and take it to Sally's and try to get an exact match.

Again, thanks everybody! You guys are too sweet!

Here's a pic of me with light blonde high lights. I was thinking about doing this, but I am really considering the brown.


Then here's a pic of me with golden brown with red and blonde highlights:


For some reason, I think the brown in the last picture makes me look funny. lol

I think it is just that color brown I think it is kind of brassy. You need something warmer a real true brown it can be light brown if you want, but that pic is just kind of ashy or brassy to me. I personally think you would look great with a medium or darker brown but that might be too big of a change for you. I would try a medium brown and stay away from hightlights with your facial tones.

I love the cut in the Aug 22 picture. I agree that a cholcolate brown would be nice. If you are doing it yourself, make sure you use two boxes. One box won't give you enough dye.
