I just chemically straightened my hair

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Jul 6, 2006
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And it turned out amazing! I was getting ready to go shopping and I was about to start my hour long daily routine to try to make my hair look human when my blowdryer went out. I was so mad! I'm a guy and It's annoying having to straighten my hair to get the style but if I don't I look so ugly.

I quickly jumped to drugstore.com to look up the reviews on Ogilvie's at home hair straightening system and It had a few really good ones and I didn't see any that said it ruined anyones hair so I felt like what could I lose? I'd rather have all my hair fall out than have to continue this daily routine anyway..

So I get hom and open the box.. ooh the instructions scare me a bit, I'm not good with complicated things. But I finally got the courage to do it.. The maximum time is 25 minutes and that's for non color treated very curly/resistant/coarse hair. I leave it on for 10 minutes and then do the rest of the stuff it says to do. At first my hair feels and looks really scary, like it was about to fall out actually. But then I add the leave-in conditioner, wait for it to dry and I'm so used to seeing it all poofy and ugly and my bangs stuck out and weird. But no.. not this time. I brush it all in place and it looks perfect, just like I wanted it to be when I got the hairstyle. Even better than it does after using all my straightening products and appliances. It's REALLY shiny and soft too, I'm so excited. And some people report that it takes a few days for it to look it's best.

So I don't know, maybe I got lucky. Everyone else says Nair/Veet doesn't work for them either but it always works great for me. I'm so happy, I can't wait to wake up and feel attractive and not be scared that my hair isn't ready when someone wants me to go out.

I'm so amazed that just a 10$ product like this can do such a good job. I'm so proud that I could actually do everything right too! I think I feel confident enough to try one of those at-home haircolor systems now.

wow, that sounded kinda scary, are you sure your hair is ok. do you know how to re-apply the product when your curly hair grows back in?

Good for you!! It's always a little scary doing these things at home, but it's great when it works out nice, and you save a lot of money too:)

I got my hair straightened once. It was AMAZING the first time. When I went and got it retouched 6 months later, it kind of damaged my hair. It was fun when it lasted though. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I straightened my hair a few years ago. It was wonderful at first - stick straight and silky. But after a month it started to become wiry and really damaged looking.

After the straightening, I blow dried it straight with lots of tension and heat. In hind sight, if I had let it dry on its own and conditioned a lot, it probably wouldn't have been so damaged.

that's what happens when you chemically straighten your hair. After the first application it sometimes becomes damaged and weak. You need to really look after your hair when you straighten it.

Adding heat like blowdring and straigtening irons doesn't help either, but its kind of a catch 22 situation because once your hair starts to grow out you may want to use these things to keep it straight But these are the things that will further cause damage to your hair.

I completely agree. Chemical straightening murdered my hair. I have to work 5 times as hard to have nice hair now. And to the OP, just say no to color. Double processing is a sure way to have most if not all of your hair break off.
You only apply the product to the new growth. I get my hair chemically straightened every 6-8 weeks (sometimes longer), and it's only put on the new growth.

I know you only apply it to the new growth. I had a relaxer for about 9 years and that eventually ruined my hair, I was asking the original poster if they knew how to re apply it. Over processing may occur if not applied properly. but I agree that colour is another hair destroyer depending how you look after it. But once your hair has been altered by chemicals you have to look after really well to prevent breakage and frizzyness

congrats :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

boy do i know the feeling...

about freaking out if my hair isn't done and the friends come a knockin'
