I´m about to dye my hair...reddish brown!

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Mar 8, 2005
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So this is my very first attempt of dying my hair myself. When I was a blonde I obviously got highlights at a salon. And since I went brunette I had a friend dye my hair once (the color fades kinda quick on my processed hair), so today is my first try on my own.

And I decided to go for for a reddish brown, the new L`Oreal 10min hair dye that´s supposed to be less harsh on the hair. I figured red fades the fastest, and on my hair it will probably last even shorter. So if I don´t like it at least I won´t have to stick with it forever.

Cross your fingers for me ladies! Lets hope I make a sexy redhead just in time for Valentine´s Day

I think you'd look good as a red-head. You should post some photos if you can

Wow, that sounds hot Andi! You have become rather adventurous with your hair lately!

soo I did it. I`m not sure if I applied the color evenly enough (I didn´t use the comb applicator thingy that came with the dye bottle, I just used my fimgers and a hair brush. Worked just fine I think) but it´s actually a little more sublte than I hoped for. Or maybe that´s good for a first time.

Anyway, I love it! And I think I´m sticking with it. I´m definitely not really a redhead, but the reddish undertones make my hair look even glossier and just more interesting than the brown I had before.

I´ll post pics as soon as I can!

Originally Posted by Bec688 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Wow, that sounds hot Andi! You have become rather adventurous with your hair lately! for sure. I really don´t know what I have been so afraid of all those years. I kinda always wanted to look different but I`m scared of changes in general