HSH Soy Milk Shampoo&Conditioner Question..

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Aug 6, 2005
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so i found these 2 products in the store for about $9-11 I bought the Soy Tri-Wheat Conditioner .. but i didn't know whether i should go back and get the shampoo/conditioners, too. My roots are oily but the bottom of my hair is really dry, and i'm looking to make it look extra healthy..

i just bought a Chi yesterday, finally. but i didn't know if the HSH products would make my roots extra oily ..

Uh, walk away from your PC, turn around and get the shampoo & conditioner! OMG! I love the stuff! Janelle has made an addict out of me! A lot of us seem to use this and love it, although I'm a fresh convert *lol* I don't think it would make your roots too oily, but I also have dry hair, so it would almost be a plus for me to have oily roots *lol*

I actually think this HELPS keep oils away on me. My roots tend to get oily too --- Once a week I'll lather roots twice (instead of once) and seems to keep oil away longer. But I think you would like the shampoo & conditioners... they're great!

I only have the chocolate milk soy shampoo and condtioner. I don't have the leave in condtioner. The shampoo and condtioner along with the soy smoothie (used only once) blowdrying gave me shiny, smooth, shiny shiny, soft hair. However I had alot of flyways than usual. The shampoo and condtioner or the smoothie made it flyaways or little piece of hair stand up. I could not detangle my hair easily. I put on the hair streightning tonic smoothie, still had a diffcult time get the tangles out. I think I am going to give it another try and use it with the leave in condtioner. There is no way I can use this alone shampoo and condioner. I thnik the shampoo and condtioner are worth the try, get the 13 oz.
