How to become naturally BEAUTIFUL forums

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Apr 14, 2011
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1. Fix your face. This means making a daily regime for your face. Wash and moisturize your face with a cleanser and cream specialized for you skin type (ex/dry,oily,etc). Do this no more than two times a day (unless instructed otherwise by a dermatologist). Exfoliate three times a week and get facials at your own will (since they're not necessary). Keep facial hair in tact by tweezing/waxing hair in unwanted areas and your eyebrows. Keep lips moisturized by applying Vaseline to them. 

2. Get in shape. Exercise for at least an hour everyday. Anything that gets your heart pumping is sufficient. Sit ups, push ups, even a brisk walk is fine. As a result, your self-esteem will rise. Don't forget to eat properly too. If you can't afford higher quality foods from Whole Foods or etc, then just try to stock up on as many fruits and vegetables as possible for it will improve your health of your body. 

3. Tidy up. No one and I mean no one will want to be with a nasty looking (or smelling) person. In lieu of that, you must clean and groom yourself as much as possible. This means getting/giving yourself manicures and pedicures,maintaining your hair (see below), taking showers (and bathes if possible) twice a day, following with a rich moisturizer, and trimming unwanted body hair. Brush your teeth twice a day. Use deodorants. 

4.Hair do's (and don'ts). Lets face it, hair is an essential part of beauty. It accentuates your face and indicates that you're in good health. So take care of it by washing it with moisturizing shampoo and conditioner according to your hair standards (ex/ dry equals less washing, oily more). Avoid heat as much as possible. But if you can't, use a heat protectant before usage. Oil your scalp with a light oil as needed. Trim your ends every six to eight weeks. 

5. Makeup and breakup. Go easy on it (makeup that is). The only make up you'll really need is mascara, eyeliner, light foundation (if needed) , and a subtle lip gloss/lipstick. And remember, less is ALWAYS more. 

Those are good tips. I don't agree with the amount of time per week for the exfoliation, i have sensitive skin so once every 10 days or so is enough for my skin.

Originally Posted by magosienne /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Those are good tips. I don't agree with the amount of time per week for the exfoliation, i have sensitive skin so once every 10 days or so is enough for my skin.

I agree.

There is no one-fits-all approach for exfoliation. Exfoliating once a week with a scrub is fine for some people, whereas using a chemical exfoliant daily is fine for others (I fall into the latter group)

Exfoliating three times a week is a little excessive for me too, but I agree with exercising. There's such a huge difference when I exercise and when I don't. I just feel better for the rest of the day. And I love Whole Foods! Their food is so awesome, that's where me and my husband do all of our grocery shopping.


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