How often do you change your hair look? forums

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I change my hairdo on average 3 times a week. Updo, bun, bangs, hairpiece, fall, wig, or down--I am always doing something different with my hair. I've been like this since I was a pre-teen. I don't work too hard to try to attract men, because I don't believe that they work too hard trying to attract us--I think we should all do what we like and what makes us personally happy. Men will come when they do. In the meantime, life your best life and love yourself still. That shares nicely when you meet someone you really want to be with.

My hair is almost shoulder length and really really layered, so I dont have alot of options. I usually wear it down and straight, maybe some flipped ends sometimes. If i wear it up, it wont all stay, so i gt the messy ponytail look, which i usually save for weekends.

my hair is very long i wear it down alot and some days i will curl it..

when i use to have a wavy perm i notice i got way more attention from guys i think they like that messy bead head look, my friend said same thing when she had wavy hair she got lots or attention, and not from just men either girls would look too.

I always hated my hair up as It made my face look chubby, But recently Ive always had my hair up in a highish pony and have my long fringe/bangs at the side, Now when I wear it down I feel different.

I think I prefer it down.. Its sometime boring as I straighten it and part it and thats it.

I think hair down gets more attention, the long flowing hair, men like girls with long hair too apprently like it to grab hold off

i never change my look. most of the time i just wear my hair down, because i like it and it's a bit layered. if i'm working i'll do a quick ponytail, sometimes i'll add little butterfly clips(those little thingies made by babyliss).

i braid my hair at night so nobody sees it ^^.

All the time. I use a lot of hairpieces for up do's and add length and everything. Plan to post hair stash soon. :policeman:

They're always down because i don't like to show my neck. But i play with them! I change my hair color at every 3 months. I put extension when i go out at night (like in a club or in a date). I like to change the way i'm wearing them with my mood ... I like to play with my hair :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I only wear it up, only because I wake up like 30 minutes before class hehe. But I do wear it down every now and then.

I only have two looks: I flat-iron it and wear it down, or just blow-dry it and put it in a low ponytail. High ponytails and other updos just give me headaches. But I don't change my look to attract a man -- it just depends on if I have enough time to flat-iron my hair in the morning or not ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I guess when I was still dating, or now when hubby and I go out on a date, I'll make an effort to flat-iron my hair since I'm usually running too late on weekdays for it. But I never made an effort to change my hairstyle during the week to attract a man!

It's either in a ponytail or a...ponytail (except for photographs). I don't change it that often.

My style stays the same pretty much, somedays I go straight down or others I curl it and leave it down, but my color always changes! I'm finally back at my natural color, so I'm going to stay this shade and not dye it, unless more blonde comes through then I'll re-dye it.

Mine looks the same all the time with the exception of nights out and special occassions.

When my hair was longer, I would try and switch it up. I think my favorite was straight and in a high pony tail with my bangs down. But now its pretty short, and when I let it be curly I look like a poodle, SO I have to keep it on the smooth side.

I change my look about every 6-8 months and do a major haircut every year or two. Right now I have braid extensions and I dyed my hair dark brown right before I put them in.
When I used to work, I'd have my hair different everyday.. but I usually just wear it down, and I'll had a little bow in it or something. When I don't have time to do my hair, I put it up in a high pony tail.
