How much do you spend on coloring? forums

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May 19, 2005
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I got my hair professionally colored for the first time and it looks gorgeous, but I hope I got a good price. She had to bleach my huge long dark roots and then color my hair, and it cost about $100. I see salons where hair cuts are that much or salons where hair colors starts at $100 and only gets more expensive. Do you think I got a good deal? How much do you pay for a salon to color your hair?

i think you got a good deal.

my hair coloring is usually more expensive then that last time i went i got ful head foils to lighten my hair from a dye job before and that cost 175

the time before that i had abotu a half head of foils and two dyings cause i wanted to go darker but i wanted some spots lighter and it cost me about 225

so i think you got a supper good deal

i used to go to this other place where he would do full head foils in three colors and only charge me 150 but he was also a friend of the family and my mom taught his daughter.

so you got like an amazingly supper good deal

im supper jealous

She didn't use foils on me, but I remember when I was making the appointment the guy was really concerned about whether or not should would be doing that. I'm not sure how the pricing works because this was the first time I had my hair colored. She is a very good friend so maybe she gave me a special discount? I tipped her $35 and I hope that was a good enough tip!

I know you are asking about salons but I'm going to tell you how much I pay.

I buy a box of Nice and Easy and divided it into two bottles.

I do my roots every 3-4 weeks, so a box does two dye jobs.

Therefore, I pay $3 a month on hair dye.

I wanted to share this with the ladies that don't have a lot of money.

I used to get ti done for free,my son's partner is a that they have moved...I will have to spend a fortune.I have really long hair

$0! My aunt is a beautician and kindly does my hair for free. There was a 3 month period where I did go to someone else and she charged me $130. If it weren't for my aunt I would not dye my hair at all. It is quite the expensive habit.

60 bucks.... the matrix dye is only like 6 bucks a tube, so to me paying 100+ is just insane. I couldnt justify it.

I do mine at home, so with the equipment, and a tip to my self
about 20 bucks

Originally Posted by suzukigrrl /img/forum/go_quote.gif I got my hair professionally colored for the first time and it looks gorgeous, but I hope I got a good price. She had to bleach my huge long dark roots and then color my hair, and it cost about $100. I see salons where hair cuts are that much or salons where hair colors starts at $100 and only gets more expensive. Do you think I got a good deal? How much do you pay for a salon to color your hair? I think that you got a good deal especially since you are in the Bay Area. That was very generous tip!
Originally Posted by Saja /img/forum/go_quote.gif 60 bucks.... the matrix dye is only like 6 bucks a tube, so to me paying 100+ is just insane. I couldnt justify it. If only I knew how to mix it and all that stuff! I still get it all over the place when I try to do it myself!
I think you got a good deal. Long hair coloring can go higher than $100.00.

I pay $70.00 to have mine done.

You got a pretty good deal. It costs a fortune for me to get my hair done professionally. My hair is down to my butt almost, so it's pretty long, just colouring it STARTS at $200

i have long dark hair past my waist, so take this into consideration:

i pay approx aud $30 for my regrowth to be coloured

i pay approx aud $2 per foil streak on my hair (any colour)

i pay aud $20 for a blowdry or curl dry style

for my average colour, 15 streaks (which is a lot for me) and trim/blowdry it sets me back around aud $85 (around $100 us i thinks). and thats with v long hair.

i get my hair done from a lady's home, which takes out overhead and additional costs that hairdressers usually incorporate into their charges.

hairdressers are generally rip-offs. take my advice:

- go to hairdresser suppliers for discount good quality salon products

- at hairdressing schools, you can get a decent cut, colour and style for around half the price and its done by a supervisedstudent.

i love my natural hair color and considering my hair is enough fragile as it is now, all i can do is some highlights. i spend my money on some hair mascaras (6€ each), it's the easiest way to get funky hair, and it's easily removed by a shampoo. the brand is Hairgum move.

Farris: this is taken from an interview in Flare magazine:

"Pam Anderson colours her own hair. Extra light beige blond come in a little brown bottle mixed with 20 volume crème peroxide. Leave on for ½ hour, and then wash out. Be careful not to get dye on light ends. Put on conditioner and leave on overnight."

Her dye comes from a beauty supplier - they can help you find the correct colour and peroxide, and show you you to mix as as well.

When I apply the Nice N Easy, it comes inside a bottle with a long nozzle.

I part my hair, apply the dye, then repeating with continuously parting each side 7-8 times each. I cover my hair with a plastic bag and leave dye on at least 45 minutes.

pammy colours her own hair!!! yay! a celeb that isnt totally useless! i love her again, the dodgy breast job is all forgiven hehe

I think it just depends on the area you are in whether you got a good deal. I live in a smaller town in Missouri and I go to the best, most upscale salon in town. It is really nice and is the most expensive in town. I pay about $50 for an all over color if I am doing just a single color. If I do any other colors with that it is more expensive. And I pay $20 for a hair cut. SO it just depends on your area.

Originally Posted by cyw1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif "Pam Anderson colours her own hair. Extra light beige blond come in a little brown bottle mixed with 20 volume crème peroxide. Leave on for ½ hour, and then wash out. Be careful not to get dye on light ends. Put on conditioner and leave on overnight."

I dont think I really believe in anybody getting extra light beige blonde with a 20 volume.

**Since I live in a small town the girls dont really charge prices like that. And I also do my own hair, so i dont know what the general range is anyway.

It depends on if I get highlights, how many colors, or if I do just an all over color. I usually spend no more than $125..
