How do you cope with the nightmare stage of growing your hair out? forums

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Dec 15, 2005
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I've officially decided to let my hair grow out. (Well for the time being at least)
I'd like ideas on how to keep my bangs (they're almost to my mouth) out of my face. At 33 am I too old for headbands? Granted I wouldn't wear them every single day but only on the scary days.

What about bobby pins? I don't like them to show but I have so much hair that I've hidden some of my bangs by tucking them underneath so they aren't so bothersome.

I start classes again in late August and I plan on getting a trim and my hair thinned out then.

Any and all ideas appreciated.

i don't think 30ish is too old to have bangs, i use bobbi pins to pin my to the side. my hair used to be realli short (boy haircut short) and it was a pain to grow it out. I couldn't do anything w/it but wear a hat everywhere (my stupid stylist messed up and cut it too short), but im sure your hair is a pretty cut and u are just trying to grow it out , it doesn't take very long

good luck

I'm growing my hair out, I've had it above the shoulders for a year now and its doing my head in. Its just touching my shoulders now
so about 6 inches and it should look better
. x
Layers helped me to feel like my hair was doable while waiting for it to grow. I'd color my hair everytime I wanted to cut and that helped and I got a manicure when I felt frumpy to get my mind looking at something else. Also I am a huge fan of hair products and getting fun products can make looking at and doing your hair fun! All in all I am so not a patient person but the motivation to be able to put in hair in a ponytail or leave it down and let it be pretty was a big help. Long hair is so much easier to do or not do than short hair. Good luck!

I don't think you're too old to wear headbands. 40 is the new 30, so that means 30 is the new 20!! Bobby pins are great, too. You can probably glue your bangs to meld with your longer hair. By glue I mean, find an excellent hairspray or perhaps even a gel that won't make your hair look sticky or stuck. Janelle, where are you?

Sorry! I'm here! lol Work was NUTS today

I think headbands are doable at any age... you just gotta find a simple, classic one. Thin ones are nice, do the job, and aren't like the ones you wore when you were 5. I also like the small 'snap' clips... the ones you bend until they open, and they you snap them closed. They lie flat, so they are great for that inconspicuous clip look.

Originally Posted by NYAngel98 Sorry! I'm here! lol Work was NUTS today
I think headbands are doable at any age... you just gotta find a simple, classic one. Thin ones are nice, do the job, and aren't like the ones you wore when you were 5. I also like the small 'snap' clips... the ones you bend until they open, and they you snap them closed. They lie flat, so they are great for that inconspicuous clip look.

Thanks for responding girlie. Sorry your work day was nuts.
I will have to look around for some headbands. The clippies that you recommend are hard for me to use because my hair is too thick for them. If that makes sense.
