How Can I Achieve This Look? forums

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May 21, 2008
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I've tried to do this look so many times and it never turns out right! I've used a 1" curling iron but they turned into curls instead of waves and I think they were too small and the 1-1/4" curling iron doesn't seem small enough. How do I get it to look so perfect, all of the waves are pretty much together and mine always end up all over the place.

What kind of products do you think I should use or techniques? I LOVE this look and really want to know how to achieve it.

I use a 1 1/2 inch iron to get curls like that. I do it in large sections so that my hair doesn't curl so tightly. I use mousse, then I spray with Got2b hot twist curling spray before wrapping my hair around the curling iron. I stop right below my ear and when I take the iron out I pin up the curls until they cool down. I shake the curls out when I take them down to loosen them a bit. I don't use hairspray because that Got2b stuff keeps the curl really well without making my hair stiff. When I use a 1 inch iron I get really tight curls, nothing like how her hair is in those pictures.

A curling iron, some styling sprays...

It's actually pretty easy. I'd try it myself if it weren't for my broken iron.

I curl my hair like that quite regularly and I don't own a curling iron. I do mine with a flat iron.

If your hair is flat and straight naturally then spray some volumising spray at the roots because she has a bit of lift at the roots then go about 1/4 to 1/2 way down your hair and twist and curl with the flat iron (if you don't know how to curl with a flat iron I'll put a youtube tutorial at the end of my post) then run your fingers through the curls to loosen them up because hers aren't perfect ringlets they're kinda loose then spray with a loose hold hair spray so your hair still moves around and looks natural.

That's how I do mine anyway, hope that helped

(this tutorial shows the basic technique)

i do exactly what magneticheart does.

for some reason i also find that when i do the curls wiht my curling iron they last longer than they do with anything else which is a nice bonus

Thanks for all of the suggestions! I'm going to try out the flat iron technique tonight, I'll let you know how it turns out.
