Originally Posted by MakeupofDesire /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I wouldn't worry about a tiny tiny bump this early on. If it starts to change and doesn't have characteristics of a blackhead or pimple, then schedule with a dermatologist. Could be allergies with the season change and due to so many other things. For now, I think it's too early to get worried. I've had skin cancer before and you will know if it is something more than just a pimple, etc. Mine was in my mouth though. It started out like a teeny tiny cankor sore and I let it get as big as a piece of pepperoni before I made the appt and had the biopsy. It turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma, guess it's one of the worst kinds. But I had surgery and I'm in remission. So just watch it and make an appt if it doesn't clear up and isn't showing signs of being a zit or allergic reaction, things of that nature. I wish you well and I will put you in my prayers.