Help with scrunching ladies!!! forums

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Jun 24, 2006
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0 in the world do people scrunch their hair and make it look all pretty and curly. I have super straight hair so achieving this look is a bit harder for me. I've tried to scrunch my hair and it looks ok but not as curly/wavy as I want. Does anyone have any ideas of how to get the look? What products and methods to use??? Thanks for any help!!!
I think that have you have naturally straight hair, it'll just about be impossible to get really curly hair just by using products and scrunching. You'd need more like a perm.

I'm sorry I really can't help because my hair is naturally super curly so I don't have to so very much at all.

Pink Ribbons is right. If you don't have any wave or curl, scrunching won't do you any good. Scrunching is designed to enhance the curls and waves. I would suggest you try using hot rollers or curling irons if you want the curly/wavy look.

i think if u have the right products u might be able to pull it off, Janelle rec some products to me .. .cuz i was so in love w/the scrunches in her profile pic .. .maybe u can ask her

Originally Posted by LVA i think if u have the right products u might be able to pull it off, Janelle rec some products to me .. .cuz i was so in love w/the scrunches in her profile pic .. .maybe u can ask her Yah...I agree with you. I can scrunch it. I've done it plenty of times. I'm just wondering how to make it look a little better than it does and what products are best to use. So...I know it's possible...just need a little more help. lol
use lots of curling moose,if you scrunch as you blow dry about 2/3 dry and then add hair spray and scrunch more and then add a bit more spray and tip upside down and randomly clip up chunks of hair with a few big jaw clamps and leave it there while you finish getting ready, you'll be surprised how much curl you can get!!

I get out of the shower and I do NOT brush my hair, then I just start scrunching my wet hair, with no products or anything. Then I use my towel and keep scrunching and squeezing tight to get some of the moisture out. I let it air dry for a little bit and when it's just damp I put the sunsilk de-frizz cream in my hair, and scrunch some more. Then I spray hair spray all over and flatten down any frizz.

Works okay for me, my hair has a small natural wave, but not much. Good luck!

Would I be able to do this to my thin hair.Or maybe I should get a body perm.I love this style,but affraid it wouldn't work for my hair.My friend also told me that Aussie has a scrunch spray for this.

Yeah - I have naturaly wavyish - slightly curly hair and I can do it pretty easy...but I think with strait hair you will need to work at it pretty hard - I really like being able to do that, it's such a quick fix!

Good luck on finding a good tactic for yourself

I have super straight hair, and the only way I can achieve some waves (sorry, not really curls) is by shampooing and then sleeping on it while its wet (I dont brush it out either) and in the morning I get the beach hair look.

I also use Got2B Kinky. It makes waves in your hair.

As for curls, all I know is a perm or heated rollers... etc

I use Biosilk Rock Hard Gelle, CurlySexyHair Curl Power spray & Alagio Crazy Curl Balm... I'll comb out wet/damp hair, flip my head over and scrunch in the products while drying upside down with a diffuser. When its almost dry I sometimes add mousse, and them finally flip back over and set w/ hairspray. The diffuser helps a lot, it'll keep hair from blowing around too much and blowing out the curl. Good luck!

Maybe you could try washing your hair at night. After towel drying put 4-6 little buns in your hair and sleep on it. The next morning when you take it out don't brush it and shake your head. This might help give you waves. Just make sure your hair is completely dry before you take out the buns.

I also have very very straight hair. I've tried scrunching with a million different products - nothing works very well, and it usually just comes out looking kinky or wrinkled. I think us super-straight-haired girls just have to accept it. I actually considered getting a perm, but one of my friends did and it just looked awful!

Try using a curling spray/lotion. That helps my curls when they're lifeless. As for scrunching, I just take the hair and "bunch" it so as to scrunch... If that just made sense *lol*

I usually do what DentalDee suggested. My hair is pretty straight and no real waviness or anything. I have to let a good majority of the moisture out of it before I try to scrunch it. But, don't let it dry all the way. I just don't do it that often cause I hate the way it feels after a few hours.

When hair is completely wet use a gel or mousse (I prefer mousse) and apply quite a bit of product. it also may help to use a curl enhancer and a diffuser attachment. with the diffuser, scrunch as you dry. Hope this wasn't confusing or awkardly worded.

My sister has pretty straight hair, and when she tries to wear it curly she puts mousse in it and scrunches it like you're talking about and dries it with a difuser, and then she takes all the pieces that didn't curl very well and curls them with a curling iron, so then they become more like the rest of it. And since her hair already has mousse in it, the curls from the curling iron stay pretty well. It takes her a little while to do it, but considering her hair has practicaly no curl at all, it's great the way it comes out!
