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May 25, 2006
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I got my hair cut and colored today and the color she used was some new mixture that contained gel. She said it would make the color last longer. When she put it on it was tingling/burning like crazy.
She said she had that happen to her and a bunch of other people, but she acted like it was normal.

So once she rinsed me it was all better, but now that I'm home it's started up again. It's about 7 hours later. And I just got a dark brown with gold undertones to it, so it wasn't like I went lighter and had a reaction.

I just need some major help. The pain is not unbearable but dang it it is just worrying me.

Somebody help soon because I'm about to get a bucket of ice and dunk my head in it! lol...

OMG! I'm so sorry! I'd have someone look at your scalp to make sure it wasn't burned. Aside from that, I don't know what to tell you to put on it. Hopefully Janelle sees this soon, or someone else who's experienced it has more info. If all else, go back to the salon tomorrow about it!

You should definitely walk into that salon tomorrow and demand your $$ back!!! That should never happen.

take an antihistamine, max dose the package allows for, as soon as you can, and drink a couple glasses of water. i second going and getting your $ back from the salon tomorrow too, the sooner the better. she should have stopped when you were tingling/burning ...

i hope you recover ok soon, it really must suck, hang in there!

Take some benedryl... and keep rinsing your head w/ cool water. You might have had some allergic reaction, or the peroxide might have been too strong. If it doesn't subside .... go back to the salon to have them look at it.

Benedryl/antihistamine with lots of water sounds like a good idea.

I got my mom to check around my scalp. She said she didn't see any burns or anything. So I'm assuming I don't have any, but it's now the next morning and I just have a slight itchiness left. I'm gonna go take an icy cold shower and see if that makes is subside completely.

Thanks for the support/advice ladies!

I hope you get to feeling better soon. Definety go back to the salon and demand your money back!!!
oh my gosh, that's awful. I hope it stops soon. Have you had anyone else look at your head, someone who doesn't work at the salon? That's gotta be very aggrivating and uncomfortable. so sorry.

I would go back to the salon and demand my money back. You should't have discomfort like that.

I washed my hair really well today with plenty of cold water and it really does feel much better. Still a little itchy, which that sometimes happens when I get my hair colored, but for the most part it seems all better.

I feel really bad going back to my hair stylist and asking for my money back. She's been doing my hair for awhile and I really like her a lot. This has been the first instance in which this has happened. It was some new mixture/formulation/concoction? I don't know.

She ordered me some shampoo & conditioner and I'm gonna go get them in about a week or so when I get back from my vacation. I'm definitely gonna say something to her then, but I don't think I'll ask for my money back. But hey, who knows, maybe she'll offer to give me a free cut next time I come! haha...wishful thinking

Oh yeah, and that shampoo & conditioner she ordered me was the Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Oil stuff. Just thought I'd share that tidbit because I absolutely love it!

i'm sorry it was burning
i'm glad you're all better, though. i hope it doesn't come back!

I'm glad your doing better Whitney. I would let her know so she can mark on your customer card that you had a reaction to it.
