Help! Forming zit, will these products work to get rid of it in a day? forums

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Aug 8, 2012
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Hi everyone! I have this pimple forming on my chin, and you can't see it yet but when putting on makeup I can feel it! How can I stop this before it surfaces? I have honey, aloe Vera, tea tree oil, peter Thomas Roth sulfur spot treatment, and neutragena 8 hr spot treatment. Will any of these do the trick?! If not I need suggestions, please don't tell me to wait it out or make it surface because I already have a few embaressing surfaces zits. I DON'T want another.

Leave it alone, if you start adding stuff to it, it will just draw

it out. Anti-acne products never fail to make me break out.

If they made acne go away we'd stop buying it. You could

try ice to make it stay small. Don't use a warm compress,

that will make it surface, use ice to make it shrink.

You can tried On the Spot Acne Treatment by Neutrogena....or the ever best medicine i have tried my self is Brevoxyl 4% Cream.


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