HELP! Black hair turning red-yellow forums

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Dec 10, 2006
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0 black hair is turning various shades of red and yellow from sun exposure!! Any recommendations on hair products I can use to slow/stop the process?

If it's mostly on your ends you should start trimming more until all the orangy parts are gone. Wear nice buns or updos more often. Or probably get more protein in your diet.

Hmmm... that's not something I've heard of before on natural black hair. Do you color your hair black? What the ladies suggested about the UV Conditioners would be good, also, try rinsing your hair with black toner everytime you wash, it could help to preserve and keep the color longer.

Is it dyed black hair? my first thought was fading so maybe go to your hairdresser and get it redone? plus i agree with the uv protection to stop this from happening again....
