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Oct 9, 2005
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Can anyone recommend a good anti breakage shampoo and conditioner? My hair seems to be breaking and falling out everywhere.


Originally Posted by NYAngel98 HealthySexyHair!!!
Ditto! HSH is awesome!
I stay away from pantene...I was told that all the "strengthening protein" builds up after a while and actually causes more breakage.

Have you tried a clarifying shampoo or treatment to be sure you have all the build-up off your hair? I use Neutrogena (the clear one) every 1-2 weeks to get the gunk off.

Also, don't brush...use a wide tooth comb from the bottom up and be VERY gentle.

As little blow drying as possible

Find a good leave in conditioner

Originally Posted by Angie I stay away from pantene...I was told that all the "strengthening protein" builds up after a while and actually causes more breakage.Have you tried a clarifying shampoo or treatment to be sure you have all the build-up off your hair? I use Neutrogena (the clear one) every 1-2 weeks to get the gunk off.

Also, don't brush...use a wide tooth comb from the bottom up and be VERY gentle.

As little blow drying as possible

Find a good leave in conditioner

OMG thanks for the 411.. Might have to change from pantene now...

L'oreal elvive.

They do a shampoo and conditioner but i always use the treatment conditioner-> comes in a round orange pot. Helps my hair from splitting and breaking..smells great too!


Tresseme Anti-breakage S/C Set! This worked wonders on my extra-long hair and took down my daily hair loss in the shower from about a handful to maybe 6 strands! Great stuff!!


great tips! Thanks! I need all the non breakage I can get too!

Originally Posted by KristieTX Paul Mitchell Super Strong is awesome. I'll have to check that one out! thanks!
Originally Posted by Angie I stay away from pantene...I was told that all the "strengthening protein" builds up after a while and actually causes more breakage.Have you tried a clarifying shampoo or treatment to be sure you have all the build-up off your hair? I use Neutrogena (the clear one) every 1-2 weeks to get the gunk off.

Also, don't brush...use a wide tooth comb from the bottom up and be VERY gentle.

As little blow drying as possible

Find a good leave in conditioner

yep, pantene shampoos and i think the cond. put a wax build up on hair. i read that and had a hair stylist tell me the same thing. garnier fruitis is suppose to be good, that and everything angie said.