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Apr 6, 2005
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I have been using the hsh line for about 3 weeks. I had a trim and everything, and now it seems like my hair is breaking off bad again. I haven't been using a hairdryer or curling iron, but maybe twice, where as before I used it daily. Could soy protein shampoo be bad for the hair in some cases. I have heard on this board that too much protein can make the hair dry, which is exactly how my hair looks. Also I haven't put any color on it for about a month. What is going on. I need some serious help here. I was so sure this line would help, but now I am not so sure. What other shampoos and conditioners might help?? I remember I used the redken anti snap before and the dumb blonde shampoo and it did seem to help back then along time ago, but my hair wasnt this bad then either.

I can't use HSH long term because my hair will do the same thing yours is doing. Not sure if its from the soy or not. I have always tried to switch between several poo/cond.'s to avoid problems anyway. My hair is really fickle though....I switch between HSH, Redken All-Soft, VS So Sexy, Aveda Damage Relief, Bumble and Bumble, Neut. Anti-Residue (once every two weeks for buildup) and a couple different deep conds.

I switch around because it seems if you use the shampoo and conditioner all the time the effects wear of.

Originally Posted by xkatiex /img/forum/go_quote.gif I switch around because it seems if you use the shampoo and conditioner all the time the effects wear of. As far as I know, this has been debunked as a myth.
I'm not sure what it is in the HSH that could make one's hair feel like this, but definitely try another brand to see if it helps. I've always heard rave reviews on Bumble & Bumble. Garnier Fructis is another really good shampoo, as is Tresemme.

Thanks everyone for the replies. I am off to find some poo/cond, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by luvmylittleboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif I can't use HSH long term because my hair will do the same thing yours is doing. Not sure if its from the soy or not. I have always tried to switch between several poo/cond.'s to avoid problems anyway. My hair is really fickle though....I switch between HSH, Redken All-Soft, VS So Sexy, Aveda Damage Relief, Bumble and Bumble, Neut. Anti-Residue (once every two weeks for buildup) and a couple different deep conds. From your avatar it seems like we might have the same type/texture hair. Maybe our type just can't handle the hsh. Thanks for your help
I have noticed that too much protein makes my hair dry out and break too. I only use protein once a week to combat breakage and the rest of the week, I use my Paul Mitchell Moist. Any type of moisturizing shampoo and conditioner should help, though.

I have been using HSH also, and it doesnt make my hair look bad, but I got the same exact results from my old shampoo and conditioner. I may just go back to it, b/c it is a lot cheaper and makes my hair feel really good (I have even gotten compliments on my hair when I used it.) It is Paves Professional, it is only in Walgreens. They often have BOGO free deals which sweetens the deal. I used to walk out with around 6 bottles, lol.

Originally Posted by dixiewolf /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have been using HSH also, and it doesnt make my hair look bad, but I got the same exact results from my old shampoo and conditioner. I may just go back to it, b/c it is a lot cheaper and makes my hair feel really good (I have even gotten compliments on my hair when I used it.) It is Paves Professional, it is only in Walgreens. They often have BOGO free deals which sweetens the deal. I used to walk out with around 6 bottles, lol. I have never heard of this one. I wish we had a walgreens here in WV

I have been using HSH for the past 3 or 4 months and the same thing started happening to me too after a few weeks of use. Now I switch around between shampoos and conditioners. I will probably go back to Biolage after I am out of HSH. I also really like Redkens All-Soft and Paul Mitchell's stuff is good too.

Is it a cleanser/shampoo? If it is only use it once or twice a week so it won't damage your hair anymore. Also if its a cleanser it may wash out or fade your color. I use a Redken one. It smells soooooooooooooooo good and makes my hair soo shiny

Does the shampoo have harsh sulfates espeically begining of the ingredents list. Use a less harsher shampoo or condtioner.
