Originally Posted by Leony Definitely watch your diet to work on a good skin. I'm lucky that I don't eat sweet food that much, not because I hate sweets but it's because I'm lazy to eat them since I hate to have food stuck on my teeth! lol
I rarely eat sweat, even for tea, I rarely use sugar. Most food I eat are raw vegetables, fruits and fish. I love those three foods, and I notice the changes on my skin every time I skipped those or eating sweets a lot
that must be your secret...you look so young! the diet my homeopathic doctors have me on is basically all raw fruits and vegetables. it is totally different from the food i used to eat, and it is teaching me how to cook a bit. i can do stirfries, but can't cook the vegetables too long or else they start to lose their nuitrients. it's pretty hard, but i am pretty dedicated and noticing some changes not only in my skin but how i feel. i have a problem with anxiety, and they say there that people with anxiety tend to crave sugar, which i do. i don't want to eat it anymore because it really does age. i was watching this show on tlc, "honey, we're killing the kids", anyone seen that yet? they digitally age progress the kids who are eating all this junk and processed food, and they look sooo terrible! poor kids! but then they show how they will look if they continue eating healthy, and they look 20 years younger! they don't age much at all! i wonder how accurate that stuff really is but still...crazy!