Have you time to wash your hair?

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maybe--i mean if i had to wait to do it every other day rather than everyday that's fine. anything more than waiting an extra day is kind of gross to me...

without a doubt. My hair always get washed I leave an hour and half to get ready if i'm going out so that I can do my hair and makeup

I will skip one day only if I wear it in a ponytail (it's too greasy to wear down) and I lately I have been doing that once or twice a week, however there's no way I would skip washing it a second day!

I get my hair relaxed, and I've been told to only wash my hair every other week, or once a week but no more. Personally, as thick as my hair is (not to mention as long as it takes to wash, blow dry, flatten, curl), I'd only wash it once a week w/out having been told that's how it goes... I feel "grimy" at times from it, but it's that or waste $95 I'm paying every 8-10 weeks by washing it more often...:sadno:

I have to wash my hair every day or atleast every other day or else I feel greasy and nasty.

I usually wash my hair every other day, but I could probably wait longer if I REALLY needed to.

kinda depends on what im doing. and how much time i have.

ponytails/braided pig tails are my answer to dirty hair.

I'm with you. I don't get my hair relaxed.. but, I take 1-2 hours to straighten it myself ( my hair is very very thick and curly ) and i was told by my hair dresser to only wash it once a week. It would be a pain in the butt to wash it every single day and have to straighten it.

Every other day is the longest I can stand. After that it gets oily and flat, and not salvageable with a ponytail. Plus it just feels icky.

I wash my hair everyday except I came home late cuz it takes hours to dry! I don't like to use the hair dyer so often as it damages my long hair.

I wash my hair everyday unless I am sick or staying home the entire day.

I've stood next to people on the train that obviously don't wash their hair often and the smell - is - yuck! :sick:

I should do the hr. and a half thing! Thanks for the idea!

Also to the washing my hair question...I do if I 'm letting it go natural...CURLY! lol! Butt if I've blow dried and it still looks save-able then I'll skip! shhh! Don't tell that I"m a rebel! ;0)

Luv Am
