Have scalp problems.. please help

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Oct 31, 2006
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Hi, i was wondering if anyone can help me, or knows any advice.. something..

recently this past month my scalp has been so very dry and so very flaky... ive done everything imaginable.. i used this hydrating hairmask (phyto) from sephora... i wash my hair less so it doesnt dry... switched condioners... and the front part of my scalp is still dry and falky.. brushing my hair flakes come off..

its not dandruff.. i used dandruff shampoos also... its just the driest and flaky and so very annoying..

any and all help would be appriciated very much!!


I wonder if your have a fungal infection. Have you seen your doctor about this condition?

Your pharmacist might be able to recommend a tar-based shampoo that might make your scalp healthier.

It may be a form of psoriasis. You definately need to see a dr.

i would go see a dermatologist. it could possibly be psoriasis but that rarely shows up on the scalp. it is more than likely just extremely dry scalp and that is why the dandruf shampoo hasnt been helping (there is not a high enough concentration of the ingrediant that helps get rid of dry scalp) but your dr can prescribe you something

yeah i saw a dermatologist.. its nothing fngal or psoriasis... and the weird thhing is its only the top part of my scalp.. i never had this issue before.. the rest of my scalp seems good..

a hair stylist said my scalp was overly dry.. n thats why.. but just said to use conditioning treatments... which my hair is silky smooth.. just that part where its dry annoys me.. n even more when i tried everything n nothing helps.. n its not even something that i need a prescription.. its just dry scalp that flakes.. ophhh and its always after the shower.. like if i wash my hair friday.. it will do that.. if i dont wash it saturay it doesnt..

now im thinking.. can dandruff shampoo dry out your hair n scalp even more? cause ive been switiching off clarifying n dandruff shampoos this past week..


thanks for the help..

dandruf shampoo should help your scalp, you need some salicylic acid (in like a spot treatment or something) to help get rid of the dandruff

The thing is that there are several different kinds of dandruff shampoos. Head and shoulders and the like treat the fungus that causes dandruff, then there are tar shampoos like neutrogena. I'd recommend a salicylic shampoo like selsun blue naturals. It helped me this summer when I had exactly the same problem. That shampoo + paul mitchell tea tree treatment conditioner (to moisturize + tea tree is a great ingredient for skin problems) helped soooooo much! If you're having lots of problems with those things, there's also scalpicin, which is a salicylic acid treatment that you put on after being in the shower. I really think that salicylic acid would help you because it's an exfoliant. Exfoliating + serious moisture should help your scalp.

Are you drinking enough water/fluids? I know if I don't get enough water I get dry skin...(even on my scalp).

My kids both have this same problem. I changed their shampoo to Biolage Hydrating and I don't know if that is the cause or what. I am going to go back to using Paul Mitchell on them because it didn't happen when I used that. I do know how annoying it is though, I thought my kids had dandruff.

Originally Posted by Orangeeyecrayon /img/forum/go_quote.gif i would go see a dermatologist. it could possibly be psoriasis but that rarely shows up on the scalp. it is more than likely just extremely dry scalp and that is why the dandruf shampoo hasnt been helping (there is not a high enough concentration of the ingrediant that helps get rid of dry scalp) but your dr can prescribe you something I agree!
try the dandruff shampoo from jasons products, all natural and has several of the different ingrediants that help fight dandruff, make sure to moisturize the scalp after using the shampoo, and some hydrocortisone cream before you go to bed at night--shampoo in the am-- should help too. good luck

I was just diagnosed with psoriasis of the scalp. It was seriously uncomfortable so I feel your pain. Flakey, scaley and downright awful. I was prescribed a shampoo for it and it was $100 for 4oz!!! Expensive relief!

I tried dandruff shampoos, tar shampoos, tea tree oil and all the rest - and I only use SLS free shampoos and conditioners. Nothing worked. I had to go through 2 different derms before one realized it was psorasis. Perhaps get a second opinion. I hope you find relief! Goodluck!

I had that exact problem and I switched to Head and Shoulders, the Smooth and Silky one, but I think they also have a dry scalp one. I haven't had a problem since.

thanks everyone for the advice..

i switched to head n shoulders.. the dry scalp one.. and so far so good...

i think the selsum blue and clarifying shampoos dried out my scalp even more.. especially since i scrubbed it in that area since the problem started..

but head n shoulders... great saver.. its not dry or flaky.. if i only thought of using it sooner.. but i thought dandruff shampoo is dandruff shampoo.. save me stress from this lol.. im not using selsum blue again.. lol
