Yeah it is, before I thought that not hurts, but then I tried I felt on myself. Because when you putting rubber glass on your skin there built up vacuum and after you have to move along the area where most of cellulite and you feel some kind of burning and pulling out your skin. Every time after massage my skin is becomes red. It's very important that you learn this technique. Besides this method is very popular in Russia. One of the users said :
"New ANTI Cellulite Massage Rubber Glass
I have been using Rubber Glass since I gave birth to my second child. Now my daughter is already 8 and I can assure you this massage will help you as it helped me.
The device is as perfect as simple. To start using it you just need to follow 4 steps:
1. Grease your leg with oil or any grease cream (it might be anti-cellulite cream for the double effect)
2. Squeeze rubber glass between fingers to let the air go out.
3. Put the rubber glass "neck" tightly to your skin and release.
4. Start to move the glass using straight-line, circular and zigzag movements to massage your legs!
I normally do this massage while having a shower, in which case any shower gel serves as a perfect grease and anti-cellulite gel could be applied after that. But I usually go without it as I am quite satisfied with the result.
The whole procedure takes 5-7 minutes but needs to be done on an every day basis. That isn’t that hard if you take the habit to do it every time you are taking a shower.
Just try it, it works!"
So if you desperate give a try and if you follow all these steps you see result less than in a month. Best Luck