Has anyone tried Hylexin eye cream?

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Jan 17, 2007
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Help! i have HORRIBLE undereye circles and am very self conscious about them. I am constantly touching up my concealer, but it only seems to last about an hour ! i have tried just about every cream, lotion and potion out there! nothing seems to help. i recently read about hylexin treatment, but am hesitant about the $100.00 cost. of course, if it really works, the money will be well spent! sooooo........... has anyone tried it??? any feed back will be greatly appreciated! THANKS!

I've never heard of this brand before therefore I cannot offer my opinion:( I do however, want to welcome you to Mut!! I'm Joanna from Alaska. There is such a vast amount of information on this board that I hope you'll find the answers you're looking for. Best of luck!!

I have not tried it, sorry. You may want to try checking the review center though or search the skin care forum. By the way, welcome to mut!

Welcome to MUT!

I have no idea about the undereye creams. Sorry that I can't be of more help!

Welcome to MUT =). I've been using Hylexin, and notice very little change, if any. I think the general consensus is that the product claims are exaggerated and it's not worth the $95. You could still try it if you want, but try to get it on ebay so it's cheaper.

Hello, welcome to MUT! I haven't tried it, but I've read reviews of it which doesn't seem great enough to spend $100!

thanks everyone for your suggestions! being new to MUT, i didn't think to check the review center for info on hylexin cream. after reading the reviews i decided not to buy it, and try benefit eyecoon instead-it got some great reviews! thanks again!!!
