Has Anyone seen those new ads for Nova??

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Oct 14, 2005
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Has ANYONE seen those new ads on TV for that new Nova Skin Care System? It has a vibrating microexfoliating tool that is larger than the Susan Lucci one and you can use plain water or their (or another) gentle cleanser and instead of aluminum crystals or ground shells or other things it uses a fine weave micofiber cloth and a gel. Then once a week you use their gel with the round, fine polybeads in it. It is a little pricey, but it looks really good and the women that had used it for the tests had NO foundation on and their skin looked GREAT. They even had clinical trials on it and in EVERY person that used it it showed improvement in 100% of the cases! They have a website novaskincare.com and it has all the info on it. I know people that used that dermawand and liked it but this looks better. Does anyone have one or know anything about it?

TIA! CherMarie
