Hard Bonnet Hair Dryer ?

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Oct 20, 2006
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Okay, so I've really been thinking about buying one of these, but i'm lost! I hate my hair dryer, and because I have curly, unruly hair that I straighten, it takes forever to dry it (about 20 minutes) and even then, I look like Diana Ross!

So, I've been thinking about using large rollers and wondering.. Does anyone have one of these and know whether they are any LESS damaging than the conventional hand held dryer? How quickly will it dry hair that's bra strap length on jumbo rollers? I'm just trying to get an idea. I've also seen freestanding ones on wheels like the ones in the salons
so now I'm even more confused. Any help would be much appreciated!!

Hood dryers are pretty good and inexpensive, I got one from walmart for about 30 bucks, and I have had it for 3 years, hair the length you described should take about 2 hours to dry under a hood dryer. The better the quality, the quicker it will dry. HTH

i dont have a hard bonnet, i have a soft bonnet that i got from my old landlords sister when she passed away... it's 70's vintage...

I LOVE IT!!!! MOSTLY because i can walk around the house with it. and if i am going up and down the stairs, i just unplug and replug.

it totally dispenses the heat perfectly all over my head, and is the greatest thing to use when setting.

So have you found your hair seems any healthier or feels better when you dry it with a bonnet dryer?

Has anyone used theirs when deep conditioning? Is it worth the cost or is the old fashioned plastic bag/warm towel work equally well for less?
