Haircut and Split Ends forums

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Aug 16, 2005
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I just got a hair cut last Tuesday and right after noticed I still had split ends. Today, I am looking at my hair in more detail and I have tons of split ends. Just as many as I started with before the haircut. Did I not get enough hair cut off or did I damage my hair that fast? I have been using the solia straightener (I just got it) and I haven't had any heat protectant this week (I ran out) has this happened to anyone else?

I had the same experience - new haircut but the stylist didn't trim off all the split ends for some reason.

I went back the next day and showed the stylist.

He did the cut again but this time getting all the ends.

Yes, I have layers. Perhaps that is what happened but I just see to many split ends. Oh well, I guess I'll have to go back and get it cut again. Thank You for your responses.

Why don't you try a Search & Destroy mission? Set aside a few hours and cut each split off. I know it's a hassle but you won't lose so much length. Cut about .4 inches above the split.

I hear that if they use a razor instead of scissors to layer it that the razor causes slpit ends.
