Hair Dye Disaster... forums

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Nov 27, 2006
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Well I guess it's not a disaster..but heres my story.

I naturally have dark brown hair with a little bit of auburn in it (thanks mom) I got bored one day and bought a highlighting kit and highlighted my hair at home..but I hated I decided to go the other way..I wanted to dye it black..the one color my hair has never been lol so I ran out and got a garnier dying kit and I dyed my hair..followed all the directions..but its been about a week or so and everytime i wash my hair (I havent been using a color treated shampoo& conditioner, but garnier fructis sleek & shine) and the suds still turn purpleish blue in my hands like its washing out all the color..I've never dyed my hair darker so I assumed it was normal..but now I'm noticing the color is fading and washing out..some areas are almost completely blond again where I highlighted and my brown hair is coming through in some looks awful! I'm sure I did more than one thing wrong but what are your suggestions? what should I do..I want to just go buy some more black dye and redo it..but I'm afraid it will just wash out again..what should I do???I'm desperate!

yeah I think I just might lol but itll be a lil bit before I can get to one blah i guess I'll just have to deal lol Thanks you guys

mine did that for about a weekafter i dyed mine 1shade lighter then black, very very very dark brown... its stoopped. you probably didnt rinse all the color out after dying it, so its coming out in your shampoo washings. defiantely use colored treated products , if not your color will really fade quikly. mine has been about a month i guess and its time for yet another touch up because my hair is lighter underneath! good luck!

The shampoo might be a little harsh. Also, I would also try using a dark brown first, or having a filler added to the blonde pieces. Blonde hair is difficult to color over without it because the pigments don't penetrate well. I'd either talk to a colorist at a salon, or someone at Sally's or another beauty supply to take a look at your hair and see what they reccommend. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

i can barely read that, the letters are so small maybe i need glasses, please help me to understand you better and make it bigger please!!

I've had times I colored my hair, and the dye was still coming out a week later. Generally they say don't wash your hair for a day or two before coloring as "dirty" hair tends to hold color better. Also, you're not supposed to wash your hair for a day or so after coloring to help the color "stay in." And please, please don't color your hair a day or so after highlighting or coloring! Major damage which can lead to breaking out in chunks! (I know from experience)

Thanks for the advice ladies ..I guess we'll see which road I take in about a week..I'll have pics up woOt..pray for me and my poor locks!

I've always had the problem of the hair dye still washing out. My hair is naturally dark (like super close to black), so I always use black dye when I'm trying to get back to my natural color. However, it's really hard to get all of the black out, especially is you're hair is a little on the light side because it takes a little longer to take. Don't shampoo when you wash it out and only use the conditioner in the box. It'll generally wash out if you keep the conditioner on for about five minutes then rinse.

Until you cut out the blonde parts color won't last on your hair, I know that from experience.

You can try some semi-permanent dyes (don't pick black because it'll turn blue or greyish, pick a nice dark brown if you want it dark). They often come as shampoos, don't damage your hair so much and even if they wash out in a month, that will give your hair time to recover and grow and you'll get a nice, shine look and a healthy hair ^^

This has happened to me too. I just dyed it again using the same color. The more you dye over it the more color your hair will absorb and it wont fade out anymore. I used Garnier as well and i liked it.

i8 would sugest just going to a salon. since it has been more then 48 hours you cant use oops and you are kind of comited.

was your hair dry or wet when you dyed it?

it was dry when I dyed it and I hadnt washed it for 2 days which was super hard for me because I hate that feeling..but I think I'm gonna try to dye it one more time then if it does the same thing I'm going to a salon..its just I really dont have the time to go and spend at a salon right now..blah..I guess we'll see what happens..oh btw I have pretty dark hair naturally..but in the summer my natural auburn highlights kinda show through and it gets a little bit lighter but I wanted like blackest black dark as I can get lol..the majority of it is still pretty black and shiny and it looks healthy..but Im a total perfectionist and I want all the lighter parts gone gone gone..thanks you guys for helping me!

Great advice about going to a hair stylist, they are great at color corrections.
