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Nov 16, 2007
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My hair is very fine and naturally has a soft curl to it but what I'm looking to style is larger curl. I have a curling iron, strong hold hairspray and I'm sure I can fine some volume-izing product around the house if I need to. I've been straightening and then curling sections but I can't seem to get it right and the curls (that didn't look right in the first place) droop after a few hours.

Does anyone have any tips on how style my hair more like the picture and less like a Victorian doll? If so, how can I keep it that way as long as possible? I'm very new to the concept of curling, please forgive me if the answer is obvious. Thank you in advance, ladies.

I say try not straightening it first, and just curling it. That may help it hold better.

i would try not straightning it

and just curling it after you curl each curl pin it up till they cool.

dont use hair spray cause they will hold to tightly

at first they will be tight but they will fall pretty quickly brushing them out with your fingers will help

once they are almost at the point you want them spray with hair spray

When I want my hair curly I usually wash and straighten, wear it like that for the day and sleep in it. You can also curl it before going to bed so the sort of flatten and give you that sexy Victoria's secret hair. Then the next morning your hair is a little oily which will help hold it's curls and it gives a little wave from sleeping in it.

I grab a thin piece of hair and take the end of it hair while holding my barrel open. I twist it all the way around the iron, and then close it so none of it is on the outside, the clasp thing is only there to hold it. Then it gives really bouncy thin curls like that girl in your picture.

Get a larger barrel too, maybe 2" ? I think that's what mine is and what looks like she used.

That girls hair is cute!. That's how i always my hair to look like after curling it but i have the same problem you're having.. (The curles falling out shortly afterwards)

I use a curling spray it 0n each section just when you put the ir0n to it...... take a 2inch secti0n at a time, use a large barrel ir0n ..... spray it....then start y0ur ir0n ab0ut 2inches up fr0m the end and curl 0nly half way up the hair......0nce y0u have a the curls done....c0mb through with y0ur fingers with a serum and then set with a hairspray.......

w0rks great for me and I have tr0uble getting curls t0 stay!


please excuse any type 0's......I'm having keyb0ard issues!!!!

if y0u l00k in my pr0file....there is a d0py pic 0f me with my versi0n 0f this style!

I envy all of you who have hair that can hold a curl. I have long given up on my heavy, stick straight Chinese hair. It is such a pain to style so I stopped doing that a long time ago. And I hardly ever comb it. The only thing I do, which I hate with a passion, is to wash it every few days when it gets greasy.

i second the got2b curling spray, its the best! it will really hold your curls, paired with hairspray your hairs not going anywhere. i would recommend curling with a straightener because that looks like what that girl did.

For a curl like that I often use a texturizing spray on halfway dried hair and twist sections of it to the top of my head and pin it up untill it dries. When it's dry I take it down and mess with it a little and spray it with a light holding spritz.
