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Mar 9, 2007
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I have decided that I hate the way my hair parts.

(Sorry I don't have a picture of it to show of it but's its basically a regular part.)

I want my part to not exist anymore like this:


can that ^^ be achieved by just pushing my hair forward then cutting it?

hmm, i can't think of better way to explain that, so sorry if it's confusing!

AND how the heck do people get their hair to look so soft like:







omg thats so wierd i was just thinking the same thing.. i want my hair to part from the back like that too.. someone help us haha
It's mostly all in a good haircut imo. After that your hair should naturally part that way seeing as how the hairs on top are so much shorter. To style it I would prob blow dry it upside down, and then with some pomade kind of grab the sides and play with it by kind of scrunching and messing it up and then pulling it upward, and outwards kinda?? Its hard to put in to words, i wish I could just show you in person.

I think the part does not exist because her hair is going in every direction.

But I have no idea how those girls got so much volume.

Originally Posted by aplsmash /img/forum/go_quote.gif I think the part does not exist because her hair is going in every direction.
But I have no idea how those girls got so much volume.

I do it just from using lots of hair wax and then when it's all done...hairspray. And I carry a small bottle, or the wax for touchups. All after blowdrying upside with some voume/texture spray
thanks everyone!!

I need to get some more hair wax stuff, i had some but then i left it at someones house and never got it back!


i like the second pic best..yah somethign that doesntleave residue will probably keep your hair looking soft like that

Originally Posted by kaylin_marie /img/forum/go_quote.gif I do it just from using lots of hair wax and then when it's all done...hairspray. And I carry a small bottle, or the wax for touchups. All after blowdrying upside with some voume/texture spray Cool! Thanks for sharing. Does that make your hair stiff?
Originally Posted by kaylin_marie /img/forum/go_quote.gif I do it just from using lots of hair wax and then when it's all done...hairspray. And I carry a small bottle, or the wax for touchups. All after blowdrying upside with some voume/texture spray What are some brands of hair wax that you recommend?
Originally Posted by aplsmash /img/forum/go_quote.gif Cool! Thanks for sharing. Does that make your hair stiff? Well it depends on how much you have to use, which depends on the haircut. The girl in the picture, the way her hair is cut it wouldn't take much cause the way her hair is so choppy around her head, I think if you'll look at the picture you'll kind of see what I'm saying.

Originally Posted by SierraWren /img/forum/go_quote.gif What are some brands of hair wax that you recommend? Umm, I'm not a hair stylist or anything, so I can't say what they best ones are, but I can tell you what I've used.

For this look I've found these to be really great:

Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray Hair Wax


TIGI Bed Head Manipulator


If your looking for a drug store brand, I've had good results with these:

Got2b Defiant Pomade



Herbal Essences Texturizing pic I could find.

