Grey's Anatomy Season 4 (Beware: Spoilers) forums

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its about time season 4 starts, i was fiending all summer for my show!! i eneded up getting hooked on army wives though - along with my hubby lol

Originally Posted by debbiedeb77 /img/forum/go_quote.gif its about time season 4 starts, i was fiending all summer for my show!! i eneded up getting hooked on army wives though - along with my hubby lol Me too, now I am sad that Army Wives is over. But I can not wait for Greys to start. I am also looking forward to seeing Nip/Tuck.
Anyone watching the Spin off?

I didn't catch it - I'm boycotting that mess. Madison needs to go back to Gray.

Tonight's the night!!!!!!
Ok, so my stoopid DVR stopped recording just as Izzy saw George at her door. What happened?

McStemy telling McDreamy " I didn't come for Addison. I didn't come to be Chief. I came for you." was the best line of the episode! I wish McSteamy would say that to me.

I didn't like Lexie at first but she's warming up to me.

Meredith/McDreamy are getting on my nerves with their whole "breaking up" BS.

And awww George said "I love you".

I wish Burke was back... even Madison


- Callie is preggars

- Lexie will get in between either izzy/george or meredith/mcdreamy

Originally Posted by CellyCell /img/forum/go_quote.gif Predictions:- Callie is preggars

- Lexie will get in between either izzy/george or meredith/mcdreamy

I agree. I think George is going to leave Callie for Izzy only to find out Callie is pregnant. But, seriously, who in their right mind would leave Callie? She's freaking hot!!
Originally Posted by Marisol /img/forum/go_quote.gif McStemy telling McDreamy " I didn't come for Addison. I didn't come to be Chief. I came for you." was the best line of the episode! I wish McSteamy would say that to me. teehee, that scene cracked me up!
hmm, I wonder what mess Meredith and Derek would get into this time. I am SO praying that Lexie doesn't come between them, but probably will, grr...

I like Lexie so far though. There's a lot of similarities between Lexie and Meredith. I can so see Derek starting to fall for Lexie as he gets to know her better while Meredith keeps pushing him away... sometimes i want to *****slap her! LOL!

I watched last week's episode and here are my thoughts:

McSteamy is becoming more of a likeable character as in more depth. His trying to protect Callie and Derek showed that. I really want him and Derek to make up.

I wonder how long they with continue with the MerDer story. Break them up or put them together. Pick! Drives me crazy them going back and forth. Not sure how I feel about Lexie still. Still loving Alex... he knew he messed up and the way Bayley worked him was great. Reminded me of season 1 & 2. Not liking George or Izzie. Izzie is a freaking mess. Feel bad for Callie because her feelings for George are true.

Mamma Burke was awesome. I thought she was going to rip Christina a new one.

I too dislike the whole pairing of Izzie/George - I can't stand them together, it just seems so forced! If Callie nor Denny were never in the show then I wouldn't mind... I feel bad for Callie too.

I read that the people behind Grey made a poll asking if the viewers liked them two together and like 90% of the people didn't like the way the show was moving along with those two characters - this was prior to the season airing.


-They messed up firing Isiah.

-Why was Izzie's daughter only talked about shortly for one episode and then never brought up again? Ugh...

-Meredith/Dereck - wack ass relationship now.

The writers of the show are lacking these days.

it's aaaawwwnn! What do you think will happen at the cafeteria at noon? I can't wait for the next episode. I liked Alex up until the last few minutes of the show. Why did he have to do that to George? Well, I guess its karma on George. izzie is bugging me soooo much. I feel bad for Callie but I am glad that she is teaming up with Bayley.

it's aaaawwwnn! What do you think will happen at the cafeteria at noon? I can't wait for the next episode. I liked Alex up until the last few minutes of the show. Why did he have to do that to George? Well, I guess its karma on George. izzie is bugging me soooo much. I feel bad for Callie but I am glad that she is teaming up with Bayley.

I think Callie will admit defeat in the cafeteria.

Or bust Izzie out in front of everyone.

I felt bad for Callie. I think izzie was thinking it was all a joke and she didn't realize that her sleeping with George was going to hurt another person. She was breaking a relationship. I know George is at fault too. I do not like this plot line. I hope that this doesn't mean that they are writing her off the show.

I also felt bad for Alex. Can I just give him a hug?


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