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Jun 22, 2006
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I'm attempting to grow my hair out but at the same time I'm really bored with it. I need something new. I am willing to cut my hair but VERY little.

I'm always looking for new hairstyles.

Help me out. Give me some ideas, pics are always good.

Make me

excuse the terrible pic:

i think your hair is beautful and shiney. and your picture is terrific. now as far as you wondering what to do with your hair while you let it grow, i will tell you the things i did just to make it look a little different. i would french braid my hair, twist the sides and barrette them in the back of my head. braid the sides and barrette them, i would braid in one continual braid from side to side to make like a hair band. i would pony tail, clip it up in the back, make a bun on top or at the nape of my neck. i would french braid and then bobby pin it into a braided bun at my neck. i would let it just hang.  my hair is down to my hips now. i have silver grey hair. i wish it was more silver but i can't have everything. i love long hair. i still do the same things to my hair but i never get tired of it. your hair is absolutely beautful and healthy. best of luck growing it long.


Not sure how bangs would look, only because of being 24 and I already look super young as it is. But I could always try them with one of those digi makeover things.

I wish I knew how to french braid and how to french braid my own hair....I'd love to do it to my hair.

What about growing it out more and doing a nice layered look with side swept bangs, similar to this.

That's the plan but for now I'm trying to figure out different ways to style it til it grows out. It doesn't help that I get bored easily and am now bored with it. lol

Getting your cut like Cheryl's picture can give you a lot of options.

You don't have to wait to grow your hair any longer.

To be honest, you don't need to get a lot of your hair cut either.

However, your hair will have a lot more movement.

You can:

keep the side swept bangs or pin them back

keep your hair straight, wavy or even curly with a layered cut

put your hair in a braid or braids - pony or ponies.

highlight along the layers or leave all one colour.

Yeah, You could go ahead and get some layers cut in it now and style your bags to the side, I think this would be very pretty on you!

im having the same issue right now, i'm tryin to grow it out longgg, it's just a lil bit longer than yours...have you tried like scrunching it to get the wavy look? that's one of my favorite styles...also maybe curling it with a curling iron, or just pinning it up different ways, like half up half down or with just the few top pieces pinned back with a bobbi pin....uhh i dunnoo.after awhile you run out of ideas, & just need something new i know! i'll post some more stuff if i find anything interesting...
