Gentle way to color hair forums

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Oct 23, 2006
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I've been using demi-permanent color to color my hair red for close to 3 years now. My hair is slightly light, so the color sticks fairly well to it. Demi-permanent color fades quickly though, so I was thinking of using a 20 volume developer instead of the 10 vol that I'm supposed to use with the demi-permanent color. Since it would lighten hair, I'm thinking the color would stick better to it. Is this a good idea or would it cause any unpredictable results?

Also does anybody know of a gentle way to color hair (besides demi-permanent and henna colors) that would cause the less damage possible?

Yes, your idea is good but before doing that your should take suggestion from any beauty expert.

you want to color your hair permanently , but i have some tips for coloring hair for temporary. If you want to get burgundy color then take tea and tulsi leaves and boil it in water and after making it cool just apply it in your hair with curd. for golden shed boil turmeric, for red shed you can take beetroot and for brown shed take coffee.

These are several ways which gives you temporary hair color without any side effect or hair fall. I have try it and suggest you tat you should also try it.
