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May 31, 2005
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Right, I am about 5 seconds from shaving my head!!! I just noticed over the last few months, i had this "half curl" on the right side of my head right at the temple.... Its shaped like a reverse C.. I have NO idea why this is.. I tried to use the blowdryer to flatten it.. and it didn't work.. NOW the OTHER side has one and it looks like like a C.. my hair is medium length, stick straight and very fine, I've been growing out my layers for a while. The hair on the sides are of multiple lenghts because I'm bad and pull my hair back alot..


Maybe.. i tried rollers the other night and it helped "temporarily".. a flat iron might be the answer.

When I was born, my hair was stick straight. At 20, my hair had wave in it. Now I'm 43 and my hair is curly at the back, wavy at the sides and straight at the top.

I can only attribute these changes to hormones and having a baby.

Maybe your hormones are starting to play tricks on you as well.

An old trick to straightening hair is to wet it, wrap it around your head, and secure it with pins until it dries.
