Flat Iron Whore Wants to go wavy

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Jun 6, 2006
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Ok, so I love my flat iron and straighten my hair just about everyday. Needless to say, I get a lot of split ends. SO for the summer, i'm going to embrace my naturally wavy hair. Prob is that it gets very frizzy if I let it air dry. I've tried a few gels and mousses to make my waves stick together and not look like a mess but i'm not completely satisfied. Please tell me wavy haired girls, what works for you. How do you get smooth soft waves?

I use a bunch of things (I have so many hair products I need to use some up!) lol But I like "Crazy Curl Balm" by Alagio (gives definition, without crunchiness) CurlySexyHair's Curl Power Spray (kind of like a liquid aerosol mousse - works nice also for adding definition) & John Freida Ocean Waves Spray (for the messy beach look)

There are a lot of options out there, you just have to find one right for you

i use a combo of john frieda silicone gel and secret weapon. if you like your curls more defined i'd just let it airdry after applying the products in the order above. i like my hair alittle bushy because it looks more natural to me. once it air drys i pump it up with my hands to give it more volume. i know alot of the ladies here like quidad products. check out this link!


good luck!

My hair is curly.. but it may work for wavy hair too..

i don't completely rinse all the conditioner out of my hair..

i wrap it in a towel, after put some styling mousse in if i'm in the mood..

and whatever happens, i will not brush my hair after the shower (i do all that while i have the conditioner in there)

I'll ron my fingers through my hair, but if i take the brush to it while it's dry/drying, it will frizz..

Thanks everyone! I'm going to the salon tommorrow with a list of stuff you guys suggessted and will pick from that.

im trying to put down the flar iron and deal with my wavy hair. but god its so so so hard to do.....

Excuse the frizziness (I just woke up... they're slept on) but these are my air dried waves...

On damp hair I scrunched in:

TresSemme 4+4 Mousse

Alagio Crazy Curl Balm

Biosilk Rock Hard Gellee

And just kept scrunching every so often till it dried.

I put a leave in conditoner in my hair after I shower, followed by a serum...my hair is naturally wavy so I comb it...then while it's still wet I pull it back into a ponytail and let it dry that way. When it's dry I take it out and spritz with hairspray then run my fingers through to shape...works really nice...plus you get some volume too....

Originally Posted by NYAngel98 Excuse the frizziness (I just woke up... they're slept on) but these are my air dried waves...
On damp hair I scrunched in:

TresSemme 4+4 Mousse

Alagio Crazy Curl Balm

Biosilk Rock Hard Gellee

And just kept scrunching every so often till it dried.

That looks good, it's like the look i'm going for. So I went to the salon and ended up buying CurlySexyHair Curl Power and picked up some Frizzease serum. I haven't tried it yet but it's coming with me to Europe so hopefully it will work. I also got KMS Flat Out relaxing creme because it was on sale and knowing me, I'll probably reach for my flat iron again soon.
Originally Posted by SwtValina Ok, so I love my flat iron and straighten my hair just about everyday. Needless to say, I get a lot of split ends. SO for the summer, i'm going to embrace my naturally wavy hair. Prob is that it gets very frizzy if I let it air dry. I've tried a few gels and mousses to make my waves stick together and not look like a mess but i'm not completely satisfied. Please tell me wavy haired girls, what works for you. How do you get smooth soft waves? Oh the pains and agony of my naturally curly hair! Sheesh! I've never been able to have smooth, soft waves or curls! Load it up w/ the pounds of gel and hairspray for me! The closest I ever came (although it still frizzed) was using K-Pak for shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioning foam, etc. Nothing was put in my hair for the frizziness though... Best of luck to you sweetie!!!
Originally Posted by NYAngel98 Excuse the frizziness (I just woke up... they're slept on) but these are my air dried waves...
On damp hair I scrunched in:

TresSemme 4+4 Mousse

Alagio Crazy Curl Balm

Biosilk Rock Hard Gellee

And just kept scrunching every so often till it dried.

Janelle your hair is beautiful! its a work of art lol
Aveda makes a great curly lotion - I think it's called be curly. It works great on naturally wavy hair (as mine is), so it should work for you!

I think thats a good way to go. Try using biosilk to clam the firzz. I have noticed and from my own personal experience people who use too much stuff in there hair tend to have a lot split ends.

Thank you Katie! lol It was like that for a day & slept on (loose) so it was frazzled .... but you get the idea
