Fat girl slim?

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i never have and i didn't hear anything, either, but i never trust products like that. waste of money, in my opinion.

yea i dont think those things work. i have tried 20 already. it also makes sense, how the hell could a cream make the cellulite go away.

I never heard of any creams really working you could try massageing those areas and drink lots of water..

I really want it to work! I was thinking of trying the Murad Firm and Tone Serum to go use with the Bliss Slimulator I just got, since that seems like it may be more effective? Maybe I just have more brand loyalty to Murad, but it did say that it "improves the overall appearance of skin up to 80%* by increasing skin firmness and elasticity while masking imperfections and helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite by up to 60%".

I thought this was a new product, guess I am a little late lol. Does this work? Someone on twitter I saw said they had success with it but you have to follow the directions exactly.
