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Mar 13, 2006
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If I was going to dye my hair at home a darker colour... should I also attempt my eyebrows to match or just leave them? Oooor I guess I could go to the hair place and get them to do both.

I don't think it's recommended to dye your eyebrows yourself; something about the dye being too close your eyes and that's dangerous. As far as the actual color of your brows, only have them dyed if they're much lighter than the color of your hair. If they're already brownish, then I don't think it's much of a problem. You can always fill them in with a brown pencil or shadow.

If you go to a beauty supply shop they sell dye specifically for eyebrows. You should never use box dye on your brows because if it gets in your eye it can blind you. Plus, your brows should be something like 1-2 shades lighter than your hair.

how much darker are u dying your hair? Your brows should be fine unless u want to dye your hair a lot darker than your natural color. I would never recommend dying brows @ home ... would realli suck if u messed up

Weeell my hair is like a goldeny brown colour, my eyebrows look darker, but when they catch the light I can see like goldyness like my hair, lol... I've been planning on dying my hair like a dark dark brown for a while. I'm pretty sure my eyebrows would look retarded with the dark hair.

well, it would be great if you posted a pic after you've dyed your hair, it'd be easier to give advice. if that's not your cup of tea, ask family and friends if it looks really off. if it does, probably go to a salon and have them match your brows for you.

Using a Q-Tip is usually the easiest way to dye brows... just lightly graze over them with just enough dye to cover them without any excess that may drip. I would use a dark pencil to see how darker brows would look on you first, and experiment with different colors to get the right shade. A salon can dye them for you after you color your hair if you want also. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

You have to be so careful if you dye your eyebrows--- your eyes are right there, lol.

It really depends on what you are using to dye your hair and how comfortable you feel. I lighten mine ever so slightly, but I've been at this for years. If in doubt, consult a professional.

I would either go to a salon, or just use a Q-tip as Janelle suggested. Just be VERY careful!

I think I'm just gonna get both my hair and my eyebrows done at the salon... it's the safest route. Knowing me I'd blind myself or screw something up :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
