A g/f had me try her Microdermx sample in late Jan and I loved it ... saw results after the 2nd application and by week 4-5 I saw really great results in almost total elimination of the finer lines around my mouth an chin area and a definite decrease in the deeper lines. I picked up some Epidermx after that (because it's cheaper) but didn't like it as much. It didn't seem to have the same amount of aluminum oxide crystals in it that the Microdermx had and hence didn't feel it did quite as good a job (but VERY close). Maybe I just got a off jar or the rest of the crystals are sitting down in some dark corner of the jar. <shrugs>
I ordered aluminum oxide crystals in the next larger size (lower grit #) than the above products use and will put them in a cream base to try them and see if I can get at these slightly deeper lines faster (patience not exactly being my forte). The crystals should be here by this weekend. I'll post the results when I try the concoction.
Please tell me what is Green Cream, it's got Cult Status along with the asprin mask, but I don't know what it is, or how to buy it /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />.
I use Green Cream (Level 6) and LOVE Epidermx microdermabrasion which I just started using 2 days ago. It was amazing. I also use glycolic acid peels from Platinumskincare once every two weeks.
Thank you Naturally, I love retinol but I am scared to use TOO much as I've heard it can be absorbed, and dangerous to my health. I will check it out though, thanks again!