I also use the gloves from the Body Shop. I don't do it every day, a few times a week at the most. Otherwise, your skin would probably get irritated. hth
i have the ones from the body shop also. i use those insted of a puff during my showers. i dont shower every day though, but i totally love them so much.
They are for your body. I used to go to a Korean spa in Chicago where they had sauna, hot tubs, cold tubs and showers. The women would sit there and exfoliate each other with these gloves. I went with my daughter and I have to tell you my skin never felt so good. But yes, do not do it everyday .
they are made for the body, so remember to always really gently use it on your face. if your decollete is red it's probably because you've rubbed it too hard. remember the breast skin is very sensitive and can be thiner than the skin on the rest of your body, so be gentler here too.
buf puf?? I will look into to it, I have the youthfull essense microdermabration, but I don't like it, I prefer exfoliate while in the shower............. thanks /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I've used the EOB exfoliating gloves on my body for quite some time. I use them in my daily shower, but I do not apply a lot of pressure. I cleanse them weekly by tossing them in the machine with my clothing. I wouldn't use them on my face because they seem too abrasive! For my face, I use a Johnson & Johnson's Buff Puff. My Derm turned me on to these items many years ago. Oh yeah, I replace them with a fresh pair monthly.
I have been using an exfoliating glove forever and if you are a first user you want to use it gently and not everyday until your skin gets used to it. I buy mine from this site at (Link deleted per Terms of Service).
It's like having your own Turkish bath experience at home, it's the real deal. I use mine twice a week and make sure I dry it and store it away.
I've used the one from the Body Shop but not even close . I suggest you wash the glove with hot water to disinfect it before using it on your face and apply a moisturizer afterwards.