Eureka!! I'll be a house for halloween! forums

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Mar 29, 2006
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I had the hardest time figuring out what i wanted to be this halloween.. I've just been so busy with no creativity.. I didn't want to be Jasmine 2 years in a row, and i did want something original

so last week a bunch of us were out.. talking about our costumes.. and my boyfriend's buddy was joking about saying i should be a house and Joe should be a painter (he paints houses for a living)..

And then we were joking like "yeah, thanks, you see me and think of a house! lol"

But anyways that past and i was still trying to think of an original costume... until this morning!

I saw this costume and totally had to get it!!

LOL I'm totally being a house for halloween! (and yes, i am a total dork..)

(click to make it bigger)

Attachment 36550

She's a brick----house... Mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out. She's a brick----house... The lady's stacked and that's a fact, ain't holding nothing back. Shake it down, shake it down now!

ROFLMAO! Sorry, I HAD to do that!

LOL Aquilah!

thanks Masad!

haha, i still have to laugh about how random this costume is

wow, very cool! I love inventive Halloween costumes! maybe we should make a thread with cool inventive Halloween costumes ideas
That's so cute! I've never seen a "House" costume before! Themed costumes are the best...have fun!

lol, thanks girls

I will definately get some pics.. I have to wait for it to arrive first though

aw. I like it. I'm gonna be a nurse for halloween. Gotta be on call that night. yuk.

hahaha thanks you guys

I know a lot of you are probably like wtf??!! why would anyone go as a house, that's not even hot.. haha and i completely understand!

but most of my friends know me as the silly girl who would actually do something like that.. LOL

so yeah, now i guess the world wide web sees my crazy ass personality


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