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- Jul 9, 2013
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Hi friends!
Well, it's that time again and I'm thinking of dying my hair.
My goal is for my hair color to look like this rich, dark, plum color: http://longhairstyleshowto.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Hair-color.jpg
But alas! I have a problem... my hair is currently kind of ombre.. Since this picture I've toned it twice and its much less orange now and more ash colored. http://d.gr-assets.com/photos/1360258099p8/687602.jpg
I'd ideally like to do this myself since I almost always dye my hair myself because I have extremely thick, long hair and having a professional is so expensive!
But I do know it's better.. So if I can find a good way to do it myself, I'll definitely try!
I'd like to avoid bleaching my hair anymore to get this dark plum color.. I've had dark red before without any bleach and it turned out great! And this was dyed on my natural hair color: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/475426_10151328522450442_1571815040_o.jpg
That being said..
Should I just find a dark brown to match my natural hair color and dye it brown, then plum? Or... maybe two different shades?
We have a Sally's here where I shop so I can pick up the color and developer there!
Anyone have any suggestions except for getting my poor, broke butt off the internet and hauling it to a salon? Ha!
Thanks guys!
Well, it's that time again and I'm thinking of dying my hair.
My goal is for my hair color to look like this rich, dark, plum color: http://longhairstyleshowto.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Hair-color.jpg
But alas! I have a problem... my hair is currently kind of ombre.. Since this picture I've toned it twice and its much less orange now and more ash colored. http://d.gr-assets.com/photos/1360258099p8/687602.jpg
I'd ideally like to do this myself since I almost always dye my hair myself because I have extremely thick, long hair and having a professional is so expensive!
I'd like to avoid bleaching my hair anymore to get this dark plum color.. I've had dark red before without any bleach and it turned out great! And this was dyed on my natural hair color: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/475426_10151328522450442_1571815040_o.jpg
That being said..
Should I just find a dark brown to match my natural hair color and dye it brown, then plum? Or... maybe two different shades?
We have a Sally's here where I shop so I can pick up the color and developer there!
Anyone have any suggestions except for getting my poor, broke butt off the internet and hauling it to a salon? Ha!
Thanks guys!