Driving me quietly insane lol

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Jan 4, 2007
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ok this isnt really something I need advice on, more like a rant!

as I posted in the general thread, my bf got hit by a car on wednesday evening so I've been looking after him since then. Now, I really really enjoy looking after him - the blood doesnt bother me, the drooling is fine, and I honestly dont mind getting him things to eat and drink, and passing him tissues, his phone, the remote, whatever, every 5 minutes, because if I were him, I'd be bored and hungry and frustrated too.

However, I went to work for 3 hours on friday, and today 3 hours also, and I told both him and my mum roughly what time I'd be home.

Well, both days the bf messaged me and asked how close to home I was, and when I was getting back. Today, I messaged him back but 15 minutes later my mum called and said he was asking for me.

Like seriously! I feel like I'm trapped in the house! i spent 10 minutes buying a pair of work shoes on the way home today, and then stopped to buy him a juice from near my house - and he was obviously panicking.

I really really need a 5 minute break because he is finding it really difficult to do things by himself and I'm just really tired. I dont want to take this out on him at all, so I really just wanted a whinge, lol.

I hope I dont seem selfish - I'm trying really hard to be there for him and it's not that I mind at all - it's just that I dont know how to ask for some time to myself without seeming like I dont care about him.


Oh dont worry... you do sound tired.

Just explain to him that you need to rest a little to take care of him better.

Just word it in a way that it seems like youre still looking out for his interest (boost his ego and what not).

Not being selfish at all! Poor girl you must be exhausted, don't feel bad about it. I agree with Saje, boost his ego while you tell him you need a little rest, I think he'll understand. So he's staying at your house? How's the recovery going?

yeah he's staying at my house.. recovery is going really well - except his knee gets really sore when he walks - otherwise he's doing well, the swelling around his lips has gone down and stuff.

He's still finding it difficult to talk but that should get better over time too.

Glad to hear he's getting better! I don't think it selfish at all to tell him you need a bit of time to rest up to be there for him, so you have a rested happy attitude to cheer him up.

I think that it is wonderful that you are taking care of him! I am sure he will understand if you need some time to yourself=)

It's very hard to take care of someone and still have your own life to be responsible for. I'm sure he'll understand that you need a rest. Good luck to him.

You must be tired, but you aren't selfish. Just tell him you need some time to yourself. I hope continues to recover and you can do something nice for yourself.

That's great to hear! Hope he continues recovering at a fast rate so that he feels better and you can rest a bit too!
