Hi llehsal:
YES....I just wanted to let you know you are NOT alone in "being lazy" for a period of time with your beauty routine. I've done that before on several (maybe many :-O times) and felt guilty about it. Right now I'm recovering from a breakup from a long-term relationship and I've just not cared about taking care of ME right now. That's the time I SHOULD do it.....but don't care right now. I haven't been doing my facials, exfoliating, brushing my teeth, flossing....even not getting dressed many days at a time. I won't go into any of that here....just wanted to let you know why....but just wanted to make YOU feel less guilty and not alone with this. I'm beginning to feel a bit better now after almost over 3 weeks of not doing much of ANYTHING.....including looking after ME.
So, yes, I've been where you are (or were....this post isn't really recent.....and you're not alone. I'm sure MANY are 'guilty' of this seeing as to how there are many posts saying "No, I don't do that". Well, YES....I've been there and others probably are to. So, hopefully we'll get past it and get back to caring, not being lazy....whatever you call it....and get back to wanted to be beautiful again.
I hope this helped you a bit in knowing you're not alone.