Dermaroller what??? forums

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Jun 20, 2009
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so i jus found out about this device called a dermaroller...i guess its supposed to help with acne scarring expecially the pitted kind...

has anyone used this before? how were the results?

how does it work exactly? i googled it but not a definitive answer....

any other comments on this, feel free to share

Is it that scary roller with little pins at the end???? Its like a self-induced torture equipment.


hahah ya...this is it....but its supposed to not cause pain since it stays on the epidermis and your nerve endings are deeper in....

I don't understand what the benefit would be to poke holes in the protective shield that protects you from the viruses, bacteria and toxins in the outside world. Thats like blasting holes in the ozone layer for the fun of it. You are leaving yourself susceptible for infections of all types. Scary...

Anyone try it?

I haven´t read up on it further, but it seems like many people on´s message board have used it. Dermatologists use it as well. Apparently you can buy them for like $70 on ebay.

I would recommend (the scar forum) for further information on any procedures like this

If you want to read up on it, there is another forum at essentialdayspa . com where they have tons of posts on it (under skincare tools).

Dermarolling fror Stretch Marks - over 800 posts (on first page)

DermaRoller - 4301 posts (a few pages down)

Edit to add: I'm not sure if I could link there or not because they might be considered a competing beauty forum which you are not allowed to link to. That should give you plenty of information to find it if you are interested.


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