Deep Conditioning Hair Treatments forums

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May 13, 2005
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i noticed lately that we have a lot of people experiencing some damage to their hair. i would be interested in finding some treatments to really work. if you have a treatment that you swear by please post it and how often you perform it! since i've gone natural my hair is a bit voluminous. i'd like something that smoothes it out a bit! all ideas are certainly welcome!

i currently deep condition weekly with a paste i make from queen helene cholestoral conditioner and big bad d's stretch cream.

i put my hair in a baggie and wrap with my turbi twist towel.

sit under the dryer for about 30 minutes, then rinse and style!

it makes my hair very soft and much stronger, but i could use a bit more shine.

Olive Oil Deep Conditioning packets are good once a week, I am a hair chemical addict, I will relax my hair and then dye it. Using those packets makes my hair strong. Also Keraphix once a week.

I use from Redken....All Soft Silk Fuel. I shower and wash my hair (no conditioner) and towel dry and get out of the shower. I then apply the Silk Fuel and leave on for about 20 minutes (i wrap my hair in a clip or hair band). If I want a really deep condition I will use the same product except wrap it up in a plastic shower cap for 20 minutes.

every two weeks u do a cholestoral treatment from queen helene.......when my hair is really dry i do a hair masque.....its homade......i use 1/4 cup of honey and half a cup of olive and it makes my hair unbelievably shiny

I saw this on Rachael Ray but have yet to try it. It's a natural deep conditioning mask made of avocado, honey, coconut milk and a teeny bit of olive oil. I'm going to try it soon and let you know if it's any good. It might be a hassle to make everytime you want to deep condition your hair though. :tocktock:

Bumble&Bumble Deeep Penetrating Conditioning mask works wonders!

I'd reccomend using it once a week.

I just love Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oi Replenishing Paks mixed with Pantene Relaxed and Natural Breakage Defense Mask. I mix them together and apply to my head and sit with a plastic cap and a heat cap on for 20-30 minutes.
I do baggie but sometimes i too lazy bring out the blowdryer and all that jazz. So what i do is when the conditioning masque is on i put a shower cap over my hair and then i tie a silk/satin scarf ( you can get them at sallys or any beauty supply store) on top of the shower cap. Now this works the same as it would with a blow dryer because your body heat actually heats up the conditioner ! But i think its way better because its less damaging.

And oh yeah if ur naturally curly (which i am) and ur gonna wear ur natural curls then do the olive oil honey treatment AFTER you shampoo , but if you are going to straighten then do the treatment BEFORE you shampoo because if you dont ur hair will be super duper oily/greasy!!!!!!!!!!!! lol but it is really great tho............

This one thing I do when my hair isnt felling to soft or shiney looking is I take a shower and wash my hair with shampoo. Then when I get out of the shower I use conditioner, but I dont wash it out, I just go to bed with my hair up in a pony tail && a towel, then when I wake up I wash the conditioner out and blow dry [or air dry] it and it looks so shiney and soft! =D hope that helps!

p.s. I use Garnier Frutise Sleek and Shine or Bed Head Control Freak Conditioner [i swear by those 2 conditioners because even if I do the overnight treatment, it still makes my hairs nice and soft!] =]

first, i only use a neutral shampoo, so i only have to take care of the length (i have combo hair). my favorite trick is to put some helianthus oil on my hair. usually i apply it two times. i do a low ponytail and braid my hair and go to sleep(you can use a towel if you want, i move a lot in my bed when i'm sleeping, so usually i don't bother using one, i know it's not gonna hold for long). i wash my hair normally in the morning.

i also do shea butter masks, that's the only thing that really works for me when my hair's really dry (especially in summer). i do at least one mask a week. i shampoo my hair gently, rinse it well, and apply a thick amount on my hair (roots included). i let it set for 10 minutes and rinse carefully. it's sooo easy to detangle the hair after !

I also use the olive oil deep conditioning packets but I infuse them with a little extra virgin olive oil. It really works well. People stop me and ask me what I use all the time. Today I just bought this olive oil mayonaise mask. I'm gonna try it and see how it works it says you can use it with a raw egg for added intensity. I thought that was pretty interesting.

ORS Replenishing Paks, Motions Moisture Plus and Motions OIl Moisturizer with Silk Protein. I usually put on my foil cap, and then my scarf and sleep with em in over night. That foil cap makes me look like I'm waiting for the Mother Ship, but it works! LOL

anything that has keratin in it is awsome for repairing your hair, the main constituent of hair is the protein keratin.. its a remarkable protein which is resistant to wear & tear.. but not for everyday use cause it can dry your hair i recommend it 1-2 times a week and you def have to follow up with a moisture/hydrateing conditioner afterwards... my fav is joico k pak reconstructer.. the k pak line is awsome

i use casting creme gloss from l'oreal once a month. its actually a color but it will make may hair so smooth soft and shiny!! i just take one in my own color

I tried the Hask Henna and Placenta deep treatment mask this week. I got it from Sally Beauty. It really did make a difference. My hair was 10x softer and shinier. The only complaint is that my hair was a little poofy for some reason. I've been trying a new one almost every week I'll keep posting which ones work.

i use silk elements deep conditioner (from sally beauty supply) once a week..i leave it on for at least a half hour, rinse, then apply queen helene jojaba oil to seal the moisture in on the lower half of my hair only ....rinse that out well and my hair is super silky!
