Dealing with PCOS and embarrassing facial hair...What do you do? input welcome! forums

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Oct 7, 2011
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Below is a response that I made to another poster's comment about my issue of being a fuzzball and I am always looking for tips and other's opinions.  There is not enough threads and talk out there hardly anywhere on the net that deal with women (biological) who have hair issues that are not easily remedied by waxing, depilatories or the occasional tweeze.  Some of us have to do it daily to be presentable...and it sucketh! Please feel free to comment on the statement I made before or even better how you take care of your issue...any tips or feedback is very valuable to me...Sometimes this issue can make you feel a little lonely :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  if not frustrated as heck.

"Which epilator do you use, if you don't mind me asking? I have PCOS too and hair removal is a bia---the hairs are extremely coarse and thick! Retin A is a must for me at night and Philosophy's microdelivery cleanser at least four times a week in the shower....----really helps with freeing the ingrown hairs or hairs that would otherwise go the route of being ingrown---and providing a smoother surface for makeup, but yea I totally cannot wax, it messes my skin up something vicious and I stay red for days.  Also a lot of waxers are just inexperienced and make stupid comments about the hair not coming out easily when they they just keep doing it over and over and over again, until my skin is raw for maybe the one or two hairs that will not be removed...ever heard of tweezers ma'am? Ugh. Even when you call and discuss with them prior to your appt. that you have PCOS and hair removal will not be easy because the hairs are firmly rooted and thick, they don't get it...they all say the same thing, "oh I have had to wax hairy women before, it's my job I know what I'm doing.  Don't worry haha"  However, on the legs and thighs I do every now and then because some I get lazy and I hate having to shave every day, but that ends up being what I have to do anyhow lol.....saving up for my next wax session now :)"

BTW, this is not a diss to those beautiful transgender women who have to fight this battle's just I feel the issue is a little different and runs deeper for those of us who are biologically female and have to deal with's almost expected and even acceptable from what I've seen and experienced with my transgender/transvestite acquaintances/friends for the "ladies" to go through somewhat of an awkward transition phase when trying to conceal and ultimately remove the hair---because they were men to begin with.....hope everyone understands where I'm coming from....but ladies in transition I welcome your comments too!!!

Thanks in advance... :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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