Creating waves with curling iron? forums

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Jun 10, 2005
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OK, so it is party season and I am looking to do something different with my hair. It is straight, past chin length but not quite shoulder length, and I would love some ideas on how to use a curling iron to create some nice waves/body/movement.

Everytime I curl my hair, it ends up looking too "old fashioned", if anyone knows what I mean. Can someone walk me through the best way to curl hair in order to make it look more "modern", fun, etc????

Tutorials on this would be great!!!!

Thanks everyone! I have a party on Saturday and am looking forward to your ideas :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


I was wondering this too. I tried curling my hair the other day and it just looked too poofy and weird. I have about the same length hair as well.

I use two different sized curling irons, and I just wrap my hair around the iron starting from the top instead of clamping it at the bottom then wrapping it around. I use a 1 inch and 1 1/2 inch curling iron. After I'm done I shake my head to loosen up the curls a little more then use a natural hold hairspray so that my hair still moves and doesn't look stiff or overdone.

thanks so much for the reply. OK, I am a bit confused. You start at the root (not the bottom), right? So how do you wrap the rest of the hair down to the tips? I'm trying to picture this and would love to give it a shot today! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Yes, you start at the root, not the bottom. This is probably gonna be an awful explanation, but I'll try. Hold a small section of hair at the ends, and with the other hand hold the curling iron at the top of that section. Just wrap hair around the iron until you get to the ends-just like if you were wrapping string around your finger or something like that. You have to hold on to the ends the whole time since that is what's holding your hair in place around the curling iron. Do the same with all the other sections, but switch back and forth between two curling irons.

That is actually a great description, thank you! I am going to give it a shot tomorrow and will let you all know how it looks!

thanks again :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Thanks for the info! I am going to try this because I may go insane if I keep wearing my hair the same way! haha

If I'm using a curling iron I usually start at the top and wrap my hair in the iron about one time then I open the iron a little, just enough to slide down the hair a bit at a time, turning the iron to curl until I get to the end. It leaves those nice spiral curls instead of roller type curls. The trick is to curl the bottom quicker than the top, you kinda speed up a bit at the bottom. That way you're not over curling the ends. Another thing I like to do is braid my hair when it's a bit damp and then when it's dry I go through it with an iron to touch it up a bit.

I tried this a bit last night and it seems to work great for giving natural waves. Only problem is, it takes a while! Any idea how this look can be accomplished with hot rollers?

Otherwise, great tips all around! Thanks everyone :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
