Creams for foot callus removal? forums

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Mar 8, 2005
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I´ve been neglecting my poor feet now that it´s winter, and to make it worse I get callusses easily anyway. What are some good creams to use after I´ve used a pumice stone to scrub away as much as I can? And what about those liquid callus removers, are they any good?

I´ve been looking into a 12% glycolic acid cream from Alpha Hydrox. And then there is creams containing urea-but isn´t that only for moisturizing and not for callus removal? Help, I`m confused

Most of the ones sold here are just salicylic acid.  When I've used those in the past it killed the skin on the callus and caused it to fall off.  That missing skin would just re-callus and it would hurt when I walked.

I'm more of a fan of using one of those shaver/filers to file it down and then putting a good lotion on it to soften it up.  It takes longer but doesn't hurt as much.

L'occitane's foot cream. Get the small tube as it's (sadly!) expensive, but that stuff does wonders. I hate foot creams but this one makes me want to take care of my feet.

Another solution i've been using is macadamia nut oil, and the leftovers of handcream tubes i cut open.

One other solution is to soak your feet in warm water and when they're softer, cut the dry skin with a scalpel.

Originally Posted by magosienne /img/forum/go_quote.gif

L'occitane's foot cream. Get the small tube as it's (sadly!) expensive, but that stuff does wonders. I hate foot creams but this one makes me want to take care of my feet.

Another solution i've been using is macadamia nut oil, and the leftovers of handcream tubes i cut open.

One other solution is to soak your feet in warm water and when they're softer, cut the dry skin with a scalpel.
I did use one of those scapel-type things before. It worked so so well, and I got too enthusiastic and worked on areas like the side of my heels, because it´s a curved surface I accidently to cut myself. It bled so badly and hurt for over a week. And yes, I was stupid enough to try it again and guess what - I cut myself again.

I´m sure I could find a decent foot cream at the drugstore, but I feel like i need to remove the callusses first in order for them to work.

Lol, i'm glad i'm not the only who cannot handle a scalpel without cutting herself.

Maybe try a foot grater, it works well too, but if you really have a lot of dry skin to get rid of, then you'll have to repeat this process for a few days, at least for me i know i cannot remove every bit of dry skin in one shot, no matter how much time i dedicate to it.


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