Colouring the lower section of hair forums

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Dec 11, 2007
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I want to bleach & colour the under layer of my hair (does that make sense?) and keep my top part dark as it is right now. How should I part my hair? Just straight across? Parting at what level looks the best?


Straight across can look cool. Or maybe starting a little higher on the sides and dipping down towards the middle. Kinda like an exaggerated U.

What does U-shaped one looks like...? How is it different from straight across, if it's done under hair...?

Thanks for your reply!!!!

i would start at your oxipital bone (aka where your head bumps out, than make a line on each side to the top of your ear and use that as the bottom part.

I guess that's an upside-down U...?

I wish I could see the examples but I guess it's going to be a trials & errors for me!

Thanks, guys!

How the coloring turn out for you? I'm curious to see if u did a "u" shape or a straight across.

my friend did this for me a couple years ago, she did it in kind of an upside down v. I have a picture its not the best but it is all I have. I actually never got around to dying mine was just bleached...but I really loved the color. Just remember to condition it really well after the bleaching so its not really damaged feeling.

I would suggest checking out the livejournal community MadRadHair and if you go to the profile page for Mad Rad Hair they have tons of photobuckets full of images of different hair cuts and colors.



Originally Posted by ricababyy /img/forum/go_quote.gif How the coloring turn out for you? I'm curious to see if u did a "u" shape or a straight across. I actually haven't done it yet. I've been told (and I also figured) that it's hard to do by yourself so you need help. My bf is not sure if he wants to take on that responsibility so I'm planning to do it when I go see my mom in couple of weeks. I'll let you know when I get it done, but I think I'll probably do the upside down U.... I think.

Originally Posted by nehcterg /img/forum/go_quote.gif my friend did this for me a couple years ago, she did it in kind of an upside down v. I have a picture its not the best but it is all I have. I actually never got around to dying mine was just bleached...but I really loved the color. Just remember to condition it really well after the bleaching so its not really damaged feeling.I would suggest checking out the livejournal community MadRadHair and if you go to the profile page for Mad Rad Hair they have tons of photobuckets full of images of different hair cuts and colors.

Ooh! Thanks for the pictures and the advice!!! A big help!
It's fun to do a zig-zag parting, it looks pretty neat when you wear your hair down. However when bleaching your hair I think it is usually in your best interest to have a professional do it. Even if you aren't trying to spend the money a salon would charge you, maybe check out the local cosmo schools? They are pretty cheap and there's always the instructors there for backup. Just a suggestion, but good luck either way!

A peak-a-boo coloring?

My friend just parted it like a star shape and bleached it then added whatever color over it.

I agree about going to a professional - at home coloring turns orange usually.

Well, I did it. I bleached and then coloured bright red. I actually quite like the colour except I think I bleached/coloured too much of my hair. So a really good chunk of my hair is really bright red now. I guess the next time I do it, if there is a next time, I won't get so carried away! haha!
