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Mar 31, 2007
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You guys have been great at hair advice before for me so hoping you can help again!

Basically I have red hair at the moment(very faded).  I love the colour but I've had it for around a year now so I little bored of it so looking for a change.

Anything you guys think I'd suit? :)

You look like you are fair, with a lot of "pink" in your skin tone.

Having said that, stay with ash tones, away from golden tones, and nothing too dark (black).

Curious, what was your hair colour as a little girl?

Do you want to go to a dark rich red or something brunette?

I was quite an ashy/mousey brown colour, it's okay but just a really dull colour :-(

I really love the red but it just fades so quickly, I'd love something that lasts a bit longer but still suits me!

I think the red looks nice - just find a red colour that is not orangy. Maybe something like a burgundy or even aubergine - just keep it on the dark, rich side.

That I don't know - I would ask a good salon/colourist.

I know that red does fade quicker than other colours.

Good Luck - post some pics.

Oh my gosh!!  This is gorgeous!!!  I always liked cuts like these.  Suits your face pretty well and really nice colour.  Not tooo bright, but not too dark either.  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

This colour is the best decision I ever made!

Been around 6 weeks since I had it done, and the colour is still so bright! :-D
